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Visualising Tensorflow model summaries

It's no secret that my PhD is based in machine learning / AI (my specific title is "Using Big Data and AI to dynamically map flood risk"). Recently a problem I have been plagued with is quickly understanding the architecture of new (and old) models I've come across at a high level. I could read the paper a model comes from in detail (and I do this regularly), but it's much less complicated and much easier to understand if I can visualise it in a flowchart.

To remedy this, I've written a neat little tool that does just this. When you're training a new AI model, one of the things that it's common to print out is the summary of the model (I make it a habit to always print this out for later inspection, comparison, and debugging), like this:

model = setup_model()

This might print something like this:

Model: "sequential"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
embedding (Embedding)        (None, 500, 16)           160000    

lstm (LSTM)                  (None, 32)                6272      

dense (Dense)                (None, 1)                 33        
Total params: 166,305
Trainable params: 166,305
Non-trainable params: 0

(Source: ChatGPT)

This is just a simple model, but it is common for larger ones to have hundreds of layers, like this one I'm currently playing with as part of my research:

(Can't see the above? Try a direct link.)

Woah, that's some model! It must be really complicated. How are we supposed to make sense of it?

If you look closely, you'll notice that it has a Connected to column, as it's not a linear tf.keras.Sequential() model. We can use that to plot a flowchart!

This is what the tool I've written generates, using a graphing library called nomnoml. It parses the Tensorflow summary, and then compiles it into a flowchart. Here's a sample:

It's a purely web-based tool - no data leaves your client. Try it out for yourself here:

For the curious, the source code for this tool is available here:

Excluding domains from Encrypted DNS

Heya! I've got a quick tip for you that was annoying to look up. When using Encrypted DNS (either by DNS-over-TLS or DNS-over-HTTPS), your DNS requests will often go directly to Cloudflare or Google.

This is all well and good if you have a setup like my home network where DNS for my entire network goes through an Unbound instance which forwards to Cloudflare via Encrypted DNS (associated blog post; it's great for ensuring devices that don't support encrypted DNS are also secure), but things get more complicated if you're another network with Firefox on your laptop. In such a scenario, you most likely want Firefox configured with private/encrypted DNS enabled - but if you have domains on that network (e.g. if it's a network with split-horizon DNS with local Intranet sites), then it's awkward because you have to keep turning encrypted DNS on and off again.

A pretty specific situation that can be annoying and difficult to diagnose, to be sure. The easiest way to spot the issue is to see if the site you are accessing is local to (or hosted on) the network you're connected to, and check that while it doesn't work on your local device, but it does work on other devices on that network.

But no longer! I have discovered a setting in Firefox that allows you do set specific domains that resolved via your system's DNS resolver (for Linux users, that's what is specified in /etc/resolv.conf).

To edit it, first navigate to about:config and dismiss the warning. Then, find the network.trr.builtin-excluded-domains setting. By default for me it's localhost,local.

Once you've located it, you can add the domains you want to exclude from resolving via encrypted DNS to the comma-separated list. It supports wildcards too, so you can do something like this:


I'm sure that Chrome has a setting for this too, but I don't use it (for reasons that I could fill an entirely separate blog post with).

I'm mainly posting this for my own reference, but hopefully it helps others too :-)

Minifying CSS, HTML, and more in eleventy static sites

I've built a few sites with eleventy, and one of the things that's been on my todo list is figure out a way to optimise everything.

With websites, it's very important that content loads as fast as possible. To achieve this, a number of strategies can be employed, such as enabling gzip to reduce data transferred. A common theme here in techniques used to improve page load times is either:

  1. The number of requests made to the server / amount of data transferred
  2. Improving JS / CSS parsing and execution performance

By far the most important thing we can do here with a static site like eleventy though is minifying HTML, CSS, Javascript (if you have any being served to the client), and everything else you serve to the client. In doing so, we can significantly reduce the amount of data transferred from the server to the client.

Build systems like esbuild are a good choice here, but if you have yourself an eleventy-based static site, then esbuild may be somewhat complicated and not best suited to the problem at hand (it's best at bundling JS + CSS assets, and doesn't like HTML very much).

To this end, a solution that is more integrated with eleventy is preferable to reduce complexity. The official eleventy docs suggest using clean-css to minify CSS, but this approach doesn't tackle HTML, and requires you to remember to use the cssmin filter every time.

With this in mind, in this post I want to show a much easier method of minifying CSS, HTML, and anything else (except non-svg images, but I have a solution for those too which I'll talk about in a future post if there's any interest) you can think of.

By using eleventy transforms, we can apply a minification filter to every file that Eleventy generates.

For this post, I'll assume that you already have an eleventy site you want to optimise. if you don't have one yet, I recommend the official docs as a starting point.

Let's start with the CSS. I assume you already have something like this in e.g. css.njk in your project:

permalink: theme.css

{% include "css/patterns.css" %}
{% include "css/theme.css" %}
{% include "css/gallerybox.css" %}
{% include "css/smallscreens.css" %}
{% include "css/prism-custom.css" %}

This puts all your CSS into a single file. This is good, but we can do better. Let's install clean-css:

npm install --save clean-css

Then, open your .eleventy.js file for editing. Add the following:

// Add to your require() statements at the top of the file:
const CleanCSS = require("clean-css");
const is_production = typeof process.env.NODE_ENV === "string" && process.env.NODE_ENV === "production";

function do_minifycss(source, output_path) {
    if(!output_path.endsWith(".css") || !is_production) return source;

    const result = new CleanCSS({
        level: 2
    console.log(`MINIFY ${output_path}`, source.length, `→`, result.length, `(${((1 - (result.length / source.length)) * 100).toFixed(2)}% reduction)`);
    return result;

Finally, find the bit at the bottom of the file that looks like this:

module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {

    // Some stuff may be here


...and add the following to that function there:

eleventyConfig.addTransform("cssmin", do_minifycss);

In short, for every file that eleventy is just about to right to disk, it executes all the transforms it has registered. In our do_minifycss transform we register, we first ensure it's a .css file that eleventy is writing, and then check that the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to production. If these conditions are met, then we minify the source code we were passed before returning it.

This transform pattern is very useful, and can be applied to any file type you like. For example, we could also minify HTML. To do this, install the html-minifier-terser npm package like this:

npm install --save html-minifier-terser

Then, here's what to add to the .eleventy.js configuration file:

// At the top:
const { minify: minify_html } = require("html-minifier-terser");

// Somewhere in the middle:
async function do_minifyhtml(source, output_path) {
    if(!output_path.endsWith(".html") || !is_production) return source;

    const result = await minify_html(source, {
        collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
        collapseWhitespace: true,
        collapseInlineTagWhitespace: true,
        continueOnParseError: true,
        decodeEntities: true,
        keepClosingSlash: true,
        minifyCSS: true,
        quoteCharacter: `"`,
        removeComments: true,
        removeAttributeQuotes: true,
        removeRedundantAttributes: true,
        removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
        removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true,
        sortAttributes: true,
        sortClassName: true,
        useShortDoctype: true

    console.log(`MINIFY ${output_path}`, source.length, `→`, result.length, `(${((1 - (result.length / source.length)) * 100).toFixed(2)}% reduction)`);

    return result;

Finally, add this to the module.exports = function.... at the bottom of the file as before:

eleventyConfig.addTransform("htmlmin", do_minifyhtml);

This follows the same pattern as we did for the CSS, but we instead use the HTML minifier html-minifier-terser as our minifier instead of the clean-css CSS minifier.

This pattern is repeatable over and over for other file types. For example, you could use something like JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(source)) to compress pretty-printed JSON, or wrap svgo to compress SVG images.

If there's a file format, there is probably a minifier for it. Got XML? try minify-xml. Lua (wow, that's an unusual website you've got there)? try luamin. PDF? I'm sure there's a minifier / compressor for those too.

Note that if you have a lot of Javascript, esbuild as I mentioned at the beginning of this post may be a better choice. for your Javascript (and potentially CSS).

The reason for this is that esbuild has the ability to tree-shake your Javascript. In other words, it identifies code that you aren't using, and throws it away. This can be very useful if you are using a number of libraries, as these can seriously bloat the size of your final Javascript file.


The larger the site, the more of an effect you'll see by minifying your source code. In this post, I've shown you how to minify your source code in your eleventy sites. Other techniques that you can employ to further reduce load times include:

  • Optimising images (I'll write a separate post on this if there's interest, as it can be quite involved)
  • Reducing the number of domains the browser has to contact by serving external resources locally from your site
    • This avoids the extra latency of setting up a brand-new connection to a new place, since multiple requests to the your own domain can re-use the same connection (and, with HTTP/2 enabled, multiplex multiple requests at once over a single connection)

Hopefully you've found this post useful. If you have, please do leave a comment below.

Have you found a cool minifier or got a cool tip to optimise a static site? Please also share these below too.

Sources and further reading


As a programmer, one of the things that I find most inspiring about programming is that when I have an idea for a digital thing, chances are I have the programming skills to make my dream a reality.

Such is the story behind my latest quick creation: mutate-a-word! I often find naming things difficult, so a number of years ago I built a thing that combines 1 or more words in different ways. I think I've lost it now (it was a long time ago before I started using git), but the other day I had an idea for a similar but different thing that iteratively mutates a given starting word using user input.

With the idea in hand, it didn't take me long to put together a quick web-based project, and mutate-a-word was born!

You can find it here:

A screenshot of mutate-a-word in action

Enter a word in the box, and 3 suggestions will show below it. Then, click on the suggestion that you like best and a new row based on the word you liked will appear beneath it.

When mutating, some basic rules are currently followed:

  • 10% chance to add a random letter
  • 10% chance to remove a random letter
  • 80% to mutate a letter.

When mutating a letter, vowels are only ever replaced with other vowels and consonants are only ever replaced with other consonants. In the future, I'd like to implement a number of other features:

  • A linguistic drift algorithm to make mutations easier to pronounce
  • The ability to manually edit and correct the suggested words to avoid suggestions from getting too crazy

A special mention is due here to Haikei, the generator I used for the waves you see in the background. While it looks like they may end up going freemium at some point in the future, as of now they are completely free and have loads of generators and options for generating blobs, doodads, waves and more for use in the background of your webpages, and the web interface is pretty snazzy too! I'll definitely be using them again for future projects I think.

If you try out the generator and have some feedback, do leave a comment here. Your comments are both motivating and also help me to improve and make it better!


Cluster, Part 12: TLS for Breakfast | Configuring Fabio for HTTPS

Hey there, and happy new year 2022! It's been a little while, but I'm back now with another blog post in my cluster series. In this shorter post, I'm going to show you how I've configured my Fabio load balancer to serve HTTPS.

Before we get started though, I can recommend visiting the series list to check out all the previous parts in this series, as a number of them give useful context for this post.

In the last post, I showed you how to setup certbot / let's encrypt in a Docker container. Building on this, we can now reconfigure Fabio (which we setup in part 9) to take in the TLS certificates we are now generating. I'll be assuming that the certificates are stored on your NFS share you've got setup (see part 8) for this post. In the future I'd love to use Hashicorp Vault for storing these certificates, but as of now I've found Hashicorp Vault to be far too complicated to setup, so I'll be using the filesystem instead.

Configuring Fabio to use HTTPS is actually really quite simple. Open /etc/fabio/ for editing, and at the beginning insert a line like this:

proxy.cs = cs=some_name_here;type=file;cert=/absolute/path/to/fullchain.pem;key=/absolute/path/to/privkey.pem

cs stands for certificate store, and this tells Fabio about where your certificates are located. some_name_here is a name you'd like to assign to your certificate store - this is used to reference it elsewhere in the configuration file. /absolute/path/to/fullchain.pem and /absolute/path/to/privkey.pem are the absolute paths to the fullchaim.pem and privkey.pem files from Let's Encrypt. These can be found in the live directory in the Let's Encrypt configuration directory in the subdirectory for the domain in question.

Now that Fabio knows about your new certificates, find the line that starts with proxy.addr. In the last tutorial, we configured this to have a value of :80;proto=http. proxy.addr can take a comma-separated list of ports to listen on, so append the following to the existing value:


This tells Fabio to listen on TCP port 443 for HTTPS requests, and also tells it which certificate store to use for encryption. We also set the minimum TLS version supported to TLS 1.2 - but you should set this value to 1 version behind the current latest version (check this page for that). For those who want extra security, you can also add the tlsciphers="CIPHER,LIST" argument too (see the official documentation for more information - cross referencing it with the is a good idea).

Now that we have this configured, this should be all you need to enable HTTPS! That was easy, right?

We still have little more work to do though to make HTTPS the default and to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. We can do this by adding a route to the Consul key-value store under the path fabio/config. You can do this either by editing it in the web interface by creating a new key under fabio/config and pasting the following in & saving it:

route add route_name_here$path opts "redirect=308"

Alternatively, through the command line:

consul kv put fabio/config/some_name_here 'route add some_name_here$path opts "redirect=308"'

No need to restart fabio - it should pick routes up automatically. I have found however that I do need to restart it occasionally if it doesn't pick up some changed routes as fast as I'd like though.

With this, we now have automatic HTTPS setup and configured! Coming up in this series:

  • Using Caddy as an entrypoint for port forwarding on my router (status: implemented; there's an awesome plugin for single sign-on, and it's amazing in other ways too) - this replaces the role HAProxy was going to play that I mentioned in part 11
  • Password protecting Docker, Nomad, and Consul (status: on the todo list)
  • Semi-automatic docker image rebuilding with Laminar CI (status: implemented)

Sources and further reading

simple-dash fork: now with directory support!

A while back (I still have all sorts of projects I've forgotten to blog about - with many more to come), I forked an excellent project called simple-dash, which is a web dashboard. You can configure it to display 1 or more links, and it presents them nice and cleanly in the middle of the page.

I don't make forks lightly, but in this case I liked the project a lot - but I wanted to add enough features that I felt that I might be taking it in a different direction than the original project. The original project also hasn't been touched in 2+ years, and the author hasn't had any contributions on GitHub in that time either - so think it's fair to say that it's unlikely that any pull request I open wouldn't be looked at either (if the original author is reading this, I'm happy to open one!).

Anyway, before I continue too far, here's a screenshot of my improvements in action:

A screenshot of my improvements - explained in more detail below.

I use simple-dash in multiple places to provide a dashboard of links to the various services that I run so I both don't lose them and, in some cases, other people in my family can easily access said services.

I added a number of features here. The first is invisible, but I completely re-implemented the layout to use the CSS Grid (see also: a, b). If you've played with CSS before but aren't yet aware of the CSS grid yet - I can thoroughly recommend you take a moment to investigate - it will blow you away and solve all your layout problems all at the same time! In short, it's like a 2d version of the flexbox.

Since the original has full mobile support, I continue that trend in the rewrite with some CSS media queries to change the number of items per row based on the width of your screen.

The other invisible change is that I changed the language the configuration file is written in to TOML, which is a much more friendly language to write configuration files in.

Anyway, in terms of more visible changes, I also added the ability to set a background image, as well as the default random triangles background. Icons also got the same treatment - gaining the ability to display an image instead of a Font Awesome icon (I haven't actually used Font Awesome before, so this was an interesting experience - even if it was already setup in this project).

Last but certainly not least, I added the ability group pages into folders. Here's a screenshot of what the contents of that folder in the top left looks like when opened:

simple-dash with a folder open

You can't see it here, but it's even animated! Link to a demo at the end of this post.

There were a number of different challenges to overcome to get this working right actually - it was not trivial at all. There are 2 components to it: The CSS to style it, and the Javascript to fiddle the class list on the folder itself to add / remove the active class so that I could distinguish between open and closed folders in the CSS, and also prevent the click event from propagating through to the <a href="">links</a> links when the folder is closed.

Thinking about it, it may be possible use a clever pointer-events: none to avoid the Javascript.

The CSS does the heavy lifting here though. For inactive folders, I use a CSS grid with overflow: none to display the 1st 4 icons in a preview. When the folder becomes active, position: fixed breaks it out of the layout of the rest of the page (sadly leaving a placeholder behind would require an additional html element), and the content reflows to use the same CSS as the main grid of tiles.

Through some CSS grid wizardry (you can do anything with CSS grid, it's amazing) and a container element, I can even fade out the rest of the page while the folder is open.

Clicking on the items in a folder when the folder is open takes you to their destination as usual, while clicking anywhere else closes the folder again.

I've got a demo running over here if you'd like to play around with it:

sbrl's simple-dash fork demo

The background is set to a random image from Unsplash. It loads fine for me, but sometimes it takes a moment.

If this looks like something, you'd like to use for yourself, my fork is open-source! Check it out here:

sbrl/simple-dash on GitHub

You can find instructions on how to set it up for yourself in the README. You'll need npm to install dependencies - this should come bundled with Node.js. You can also find a lovingly-commented example configuration file here:


If you have any difficulties setting it up, want to request a feature, or even (gasp!) report a bug, please open an issue. While I do monitor the comments here on this blog, GitHub issues are a much better place to track bugs and feature requests.

Cluster, Part 11: Lock and Key | Let's Encrypt DNS-01 for wildcard TLS certificates

Welcome one and all to another cluster blog post! Cluster blog posts always take a while to write, so sorry for the delay. As is customary, let's start this post off with a list of all the parts in the series so far:

With that out of the way, in this post we're going to look at obtaining a wildcard TLS certificate using the Let's Encrypt DNS-01 challenge. We want this because you need a TLS certificate to serve HTTPS without lighting everyone's browsers up with warnings like a Christmas tree.

The DNS-01 challenge is an alternate challenge to the default HTTP-01 challenge you may already me familiar with.

Unlike the HTTP-01 challenge which proves you have access to single domain by automatically placing a file on your web server, the DNS-01 challenge proves you have control over an entire domain - thus allowing you to obtain a wildcard certificate - which is valid for not only your domain, but all possible subdomains! This should save a lot of hassle - but it's important we keep it secure too.

As with regular Let's Encrypt certificates, we'll also need to ensure that our wildcard certificate we obtain will be auto-renewed, so we'll be setting up a periodic task on our Nomad cluster to do this for us.

If you don't have a Nomad cluster, don't worry. It's not required, and I'll be showing you how to do it without one too. But if you'd like to set one up, I recommend part 7 of this series.

In order to complete the DNS-01 challenge successfully, we need to automatically place a DNS record in our domain. This can be done via an API, if your DNS provider has one and it's supported. Personally, I have the domain name I'm using for my cluster ( with Gandi. We'll be using certbot to perform the DNS-01 challenge, which has a plugin system for different DNS API providers.

We'll be installing the challenge provider we need with pip3 (a Python 3 package manager, as certbot is written in Python), so you can find an up-to-date list of challenge providers over on PyPi here:

If you don't see a plugin for your provider, don't worry. I couldn't find one for Gandi, so I added my domain name to Cloudflare and followed the setup to change the name servers for my domain name to point at them. After doing this, I can now use the Cloudflare API through the certbot-dns-cloudflare plugin.

With that sorted, we can look at obtaining that TLS certificate. I opt to put certbot in a Docker container here so that I can run it through a Nomad periodic task. This proved to be a useful tool to test the process out though, as I hit a number of snags with the process that made things interesting.

The first order of business is to install certbot and the associate plugins. You'd think that simply doing an sudo apt install certbot certbot-dns-cloudflare would do the job, but you'd be wrong.

As it turns out, it does install that way, but it installs an older version of the certbot-dns-cloudflare plugin that requires you give it your Global API Key from your Cloudflare account, which has permission to do anything on your account!

That's no good at all, because if the key gets compromised an attacker could edit any of the domain names on our account they like, which would quickly turn into a disaster!

Instead, we want to install the latest version of certbot and the associated Cloudflare DNS plugin, which support regular Cloudflare API Tokens, upon which we can set restrictive permissions to only allow it to edit the one domain name we want to obtain a TLS certificate for.

I tried multiple different ways of installing certbot in order to get a version recent enough to get it to take an API token. The way that worked for me was a script called certbot-auto, which you can download from here:

Now we have a way to install certbot, we also need the Cloudflare DNS plugin. As I mentioned above, we can do this using pip3, a Python package manager. In our case, the pip3 package we want is certbot-dns-cloudflare - incidentally it has the same name as the outdated apt package that would have made life so much simpler if it had supported API tokens.

Now we have a plan, let's start to draft out the commands we'll need to execute to get certbot up and running. If you're planning on following this tutorial on bare metal (i.e. without Docker), go ahead and execute these directly on your target machine. If you're following along with Docker though, hang on because we'll be wrapping these up into a Dockerfile shortly.

First, let's install certbot:

sudo apt install curl ca-certificates
cd some_permanent_directory;
curl -sS -o certbot-auto
chmod +x certbot-auto
sudo certbot-auto --debug --noninteractive --install-only

Installation with certbot-auto comprises downloading a script and executing it. with a bunch of flags. Next up, we need to shoe-horn our certbot-dns-cloudflare plugin into the certbot-auto installation. This requires some interesting trickery here, because certbot-auto uses something called virtualenv to install itself and all its dependencies locally into a single directory.

sudo apt install python3-pip
cd /opt/
source bin/activate
pip install certbot-dns-cloudflare

In short, we cd into the certbot-auto installation, activate the virtualenv local environment, install our dns plugin package, and then exit out of the virtual environment again.

With that done, we can finally add a convenience synlink so that the certbot command is in our PATH:

ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/certbot

That completes the certbot installation process. Then, to use certbot to create the TLS certificate, we'll need an API as mentioned earlier. Navigate to the API Tokens part of your profile and create one, and then create an INI file in the following format:

# Cloudflare API token used by Certbot
dns_cloudflare_api_token = "YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE"

...replacing YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE with your API token of course.

Finally, with all that in place, we can create our wildcard certificate! Do that like this:

sudo certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials path/to/credentials.ini -d ',*' --preferred-challenges dns-01

It'll ask you a bunch of interactive questions the first time you do this, but follow it through and it should issue you a TLS certificate (and tell you where it stored it). Actually utilising it is beyond the scope of this post - we'll be tackling that in a future post in this series.

For those following along on bare metal, this is where you'll want to skip to the end of the post. Before you do, I'll leave you with a quick note about auto-renewing your TLS certificates. Do this:

sudo letsencrypt renew
sudo systemctl reload nginx postfix

....on a regular basis, replacing nginx postfix with a space-separated list of services that need reloading after you've renewed your certificates. A great way to do this is to setup a cron job.

Sweeping things under the carpet

For the Docker users here, we aren't quite finished yet: We need to package this mess up into a nice neat Docker container where we can forget about it :P

Some things we need to be aware of:

  • certbot has a number of data directories it interacts with that we need to ensure don't get wiped when the Docker ends instances of our container.
  • Since I'm serving the shared storage of my cluster over NFS, we can't have certbot running as root as it'll get a permission denied error when it tries to access the disk.
  • While curl and ca-certificates are needed to download certbot-auto, they aren't needed by certbot itself - so we can avoid installing them in the resulting Docker container by using a multi-stage Dockerfile.

To save you the trouble, I've already gone to the trouble of developing just such a Dockerfile that takes all of this into account. Here it is:


FROM ${REPO_LOCATION}minideb AS builder

RUN install_packages curl ca-certificates \
    && curl -sS -o /srv/certbot-auto \
    && chmod +x /srv/certbot-auto


COPY --from=builder /srv/certbot-auto /srv/certbot-auto

RUN /srv/certbot-auto --debug --noninteractive --install-only && \
    install_packages python3-pip

RUN . bin/activate \
    && pip install certbot-dns-cloudflare \
    && deactivate \
    && ln -s /opt/ /usr/bin/certbot

VOLUME /srv/configdir /srv/workdir /srv/logsdir

USER 999:994
ENTRYPOINT [ "/usr/bin/certbot", \
    "--config-dir", "/srv/configdir", \
    "--work-dir", "/srv/workdir", \
    "--logs-dir", "/srv/logsdir" ]

A few things to note here:

  • We use a multi-stage dockerfile here to avoid installing curl and ca-certificates in the resulting docker image.
  • I'm using minideb as a base image that resides on my private Docker registry (see part 8). For the curious, the script I use to do this located on my personal git server here:
    • If you don't have minideb pushed to a private Docker registry, replace minideb with bitnami/minideb in the above.
  • We set the user and group certbot runs as to 999:994 to avoid the NFS permissions issue.
  • We define 3 Docker volumes /srv/configdir, /srv/workdir, and /srv/logsdir to contain all of certbot's data that needs to be persisted and use an elaborate ENTRYPOINT to ensure that we tell certbot about them.

Save this in a new directory with the name Dockerfile and build it:

sudo docker build --no-cache --pull --tag "certbot" .;

...if you have a private Docker registry with a local minideb image you'd like to use as a base, do this instead:

sudo docker build --no-cache --pull --tag "" --build-arg "" .;

In my case, I do this on my CI server:

laminarc queue docker-rebuild IMAGE=certbot

The hows of how I set that up will be the subject of a future post. Part of the answer is located in my docker-images Git repository, but the other part is in my private continuous integration Git repo (but rest assured I'll be talking about it and sharing it here).

Anyway, with the Docker container built we can now obtain our certificates with this monster of a one-liner:

sudo docker run -it --rm -v /mnt/shared/services/certbot/workdir:/srv/workdir -v /mnt/shared/services/certbot/configdir:/srv/configdir -v /mnt/shared/services/certbot/logsdir:/srv/logsdir certbot certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials path/to/credentials.ini -d ',*' --preferred-challenges dns-01

The reason this is so long is that we need to mount the 3 different volumes into the container that contain certbot's data files. If you're running a private registry, don't forget to prefix certbot there with

Don't forget also to update the Docker volume locations on the host here to point a empty directories owned by 999:994.

Even if you want to run this on Nomad, I still advise that you execute this manually. This is because the first time you do so it'll ask you a bunch of questions interactively (which it doesn't do on subsequent times).

If you're not using Nomad, this is the point you'll want to skip to the end. As before with the bare-metal users, you'll want to add a cron job that runs certbot renew - just in your case inside your Docker container.


For the truly intrepid Nomad users, we still have one last task to complete before our work is done: Auto-renewing our certificate(s) with a Nomad periodic task.

This isn't really that complicated I found. Here's what I came up with:

job "certbot" {
    datacenters = ["dc1"]
    priority = 100
    type = "batch"

    periodic {
        cron = "@weekly"
        prohibit_overlap = true

    task "certbot" {
        driver = "docker"

        config {
            image = ""
            labels { group = "maintenance" }
            entrypoint = [ "/usr/bin/certbot" ]
            command = "renew"
            args = [
                "--config-dir", "/srv/configdir/",
                "--work-dir", "/srv/workdir/",
                "--logs-dir", "/srv/logsdir/"
            # To generate a new cert:
            # /usr/bin/certbot --work-dir /srv/workdir/ --config-dir /srv/configdir/ --logs-dir /srv/logsdir/ certonly --dns-cloudflare --dns-cloudflare-credentials /srv/configdir/__cloudflare_credentials.ini -d ',*' --preferred-challenges dns-01

            volumes = [

If you want to use it yourself, replace the various references to things like the private Docker registry and the Docker volumes (which require "docker.volumes.enabled" = "True" in clientoptions in your Nomad agent configuration) with values that make sense in your context.

I have some confidence that this is working as intended by inspecting logs and watching TLS certificate expiry times. Save it to a file called certbot.nomad and then run it:

nomad job run certbot.nomad


If you've made it this far, congratulations! We've installed certbot and used the Cloudflare DNS plugin to obtain a DNS wildcard certificate. For the more adventurous, we've packaged it all into a Docker container. Finally for the truly intrepid we implemented a Nomad periodic job to auto-renew our TLS certificates.

Even if you don't use Docker or Nomad, I hope this has been a helpful read. If you're interested in the rest of my cluster build I've done, why not go back and start reading from part 1? All the posts in my cluster series are tagged with "cluster" to make them easier to find.

Unfortunately, I haven't managed to determine a way to import TLS certificates into Hashicorp Vault automatically, as I've stalled a bit on the Vault front (permissions and policies are wildly complicated), so in future posts it's unlikely I'll be touching Vault any time soon (if anyone has an alternative that is simpler and easier to understand / configure, please comment below).

Despite this, in future posts I've got a number of topics lined up I'd like to talk about:

  • Configuring Fabio (see part 9) to serve HTTPS and force-redirect from HTTP to HTTPS (status: implemented)
  • Implementing HAProxy to terminate port forwarding (status: initial research)
  • Password protecting the private docker registry, Consul, and Nomad (status: on the todo list)
  • Semi-automatic docker image rebuilding with Laminar CI (status: implemented)

In the meantime, please comment below if you liked this post, are having issues, or have any suggestions. I'd love to hear if this helped you out!

Sources and Further Reading

consulstatus: public status pages drawn from Consul

In my cluster series of blog posts, I've been talking about how I've been building my cluster from scratch. Now that I've got it into some sorta stable state (though I'm still working on it), one of the things I discovered might be helpful for other users of my cluster is a status page.

(Above: The logo for consulstatus. Consulstatus is written by me and not endorsed by Hashicorp or the Consul project.)

To this end, I ended up implementing a quick solution to this problem in PHP. Here's a screenshot of what it looks like:

Screenshot of what consulstatus looks like. See explanation below

The colour scheme changes depending on your browser's prefers-colour-scheme. The circles to the right of each service are either green (indicating no issues), yellow (some problems are occurring), or red (it's down and everything's terrible))

As the name suggests, it's backed by Hashicorp Consul (which I blogged about in cluster, part 6: superglue service discovery). I recommend reading my blog post about it, but in short Consul allows you to register services that it should keep track of, and checks that define whether said services are healthy or not.

It supports a TOML config file that allows you to specify where Consul is, along with the names of the services you'd like to display:

title = "Cluster status page"


base_url = ""

services = [
    # .....

The status page is designed to be as simple to understand to understand as possible, so that anyone (even those who aren't technically skilled) can get an idea as to what is working and what isn't at any given time.

So far, it's been moderately successful. The status page itself is stable and behaves expectedly (which is always a plus), and it does reflect the status of the services in question.

I did initially toy with the idea of exposing more information about the specific checks in Consul that have failed, but then I thought that I'd be then doing what the Consul web interface already does, which seems a bit pointless.

Instead, I decided to keep it rather minimalist instead, such that it could be exposed publicly (in theory, though my instance is only accessible on my local LAN) in a way that the main Consul web interface really can't.

Moving forwards, I'm quite happy with consulstatus as-is, so if I make any changes they aren't likely to be too drastic. I'd like to look at adding a description to each service so that it's more obvious what it is, or maybe have display names that are shown instead of the Consul service names.

I'd also maybe like to display an icon to the left of each service as well to further help with visual identification and understanding, and perhaps allow grouping services too.

Out of scope though is logging service status history. That can be done elsewhere if desired (and I don't particularly have a need for that) - and PHP isn't particularly suited to that anyway.

Found this interesting? Got a suggestion? Comment below!

Website change detection with headless Firefox and ImageMagick

This wasn't the script I had in mind in the previous blog post (so you can look forward to another blog post about it), but have you ever wanted to know when a web page changes? If it does change, it's almost impossible to tell where on the page it's changed. Recently, I was thinking about the problem, and realised a few things:

  • Firefox can be operated headlessly (with --headless) to take screenshots
  • ImageMagick must be advanced enough to diff images

With this in mind, I set about implementing a script. Before we continue, here's an example diff image:

It's rather tall because of the webpage I chose, but the bits that have changed appear in red. The script I've written also generates an animated PNG showing the difference too:

Again, it's very tall because of the page I tested with, but I think it's pretty cool!

If you'd like to check the script out for yourself, you find it in the following git repository: sbrl/url-diff

For the curious, the script in question is written in Bash. It uses apcalc (available in Debian / Ubuntu based Linux distributions with sudo apt install apcalc) to crunch the numbers, and headless Firefox + Imagemagick as described above to take the screenshots and do the image processing. It should in theory work on Windows, but you'll need to jump through a number of hoops:

  • Install call from [git bash]()
  • Install [ImageMagick]() and make sure the binaries are in your PATH
  • Install Firefox and make sure firefox is in your PATH
  • Explicitly set the URLDIFF_STORAGE_DIR environment variable when calling the script (do this by prefixing the command at the bottom of this post with URLDIFF_STORAGE_DIR=path/to/directory)

With my fancy new embed system, I can show you the code behind it:

(Can't see the above? Check it out in the git repository.)

I'm working on line numbers (sadly the author of highlight.js doesn't like them, so an alternative solution is required).

Anyway, the basic layout of the script is as follows:

  1. First, the settings are read in and the default values set
  2. Then, I define some utility functions.
    • The calculate_percentage_colour function is integral to the image change detection algorithm. It counts percentage of an image that is a given colour.
  3. Next, the help text is displayed if necessary
  4. The case statement that follows allows multiple subcommands to be implemented. Currently I only have a check subcommand, but you never know!
  5. Inside this case statement, the screenshots are taken and compared.
    • A new screenshot is taken with headless Firefox
    • If we don't have a screenshot stored away already, we stash the new screenshot and exit
    • If we do have a pre-existing screenshot, we continue with the comparison, starting by generating a diff image where pixels that have changed are given 1 colour, and pixels that haven't changed another
    • It's at this point that calculate_percentage_colour is called to calculate how much of the image has changed - the diff image is passed in and the changed pixels are counted
    • If more than 2% (by default) has changed, then we continue on to generate the output images
    • The first output image consists of the new screenshot with the diff image overlaid - this is generated with some ImageMagick wizardry: -compose over -composite
    • The second is an animated PNG comprised of the old and new screenshots. This is generated with ffmpeg - which supports animated PNGs
    • Finally, the old screenshot that we have stored away is replaced with the new one

It sounds more complicated than it is - hopefully my above explanation makes sense (post a comment below if you're confused about something!).

You can call the script like so:

git clone
cd url-diff;
./ check URL_HERE path/to/output_diff.png path/to/output.apng

....replacing URL_HERE with the URL to check, and the paths with the places you'd like to write the output images to.

Pure CSS spoilers with the CSS :target selector

For 1 reason or another, I've been working on some parser improvements for Pepperminty Wiki recently. Pepperminty Wiki uses Markdown for the page content syntax - specifically Parsedown. Markdown has a number of variations and extensions, some of which are more widely accepted than others. For Pepperminty Wiki, I try to stick as closely to existing Markdown conventions as possible (such as the CommonMark spec). Where that's not possible, I try to make sure there's an existing precedent (e.g. internal links use the same syntax as MediaWiki).

Anyway, as part of this I thought it would be cool to implement a spoiler tag. The problem here is that nobody can agree on the canonical syntax. Discord has recently implemented a vertical bar syntax like a spoiler wall:

Some text ||spoiler text|| more text

Reddit, on the other hand, uses a different syntax:

Some text >!spoiler text!< more text

Anyway, I've ended up supporting both of the above 2 syntaxes. My Parsedown extension generates something like the following HTML:

<p>Some text <a class="spoiler" id="spoiler-RSSZTkNA30-OGJQf_7VivKtJAaoNhbx" href="#spoiler-RSSZTkNA30-OGJQf_7VivKtJAaoNhbx" title="Click / tap to reveal spoiler">spoiler text</a> more text</p>

The next question here is how to make it function as a spoiler. If you're not already aware, to reveal to text in a spoiler, one first has to click on it or perform some other action. Personally, I'd prefer to avoid Javascript if possible for this, as not all users have it enabled and it complicates matters in Pepperminty Wiki.

To this end, if you search for "Pure CSS spoiler" with your favourite search engine, you'll find loads of different solutions out there. Some require Javascript, and others only show the text in a tooltip on hover (which doesn't work on mobile). All this isn't very cool, so I decided to implement my own solution and share it here :-)

It's actually pretty concise:

.spoiler {
    background: #333333;
    border-radius: 0.2em;
    color: transparent;
    cursor: pointer;
.spoiler:target {
    background: transparent;
    color: inherit;

By setting the text colour to transparent and the background to an obvious colour, we can give the user an obvious hint that there's a spoiler that can be clicked on. Setting the cursor to a hand on platforms with a mouse further helps to support this suggestion.

When the link is clicked, it sets the anchor to spoiler-RSSZTkNA30-OGJQf_7VivKtJAaoNhbx, which is also the id of the spoiler. This triggers the :target selector, which makes the spoiler text visible.

Here's a demo:

See the Pen Pure CSS Spoiler by Starbeamrainbowlabs (@sbrl) on CodePen.

The only issue here is that it doesn't support accessibility tools such as screen readers very well. Using a trick I've found on the Mozilla Developer Net, we can do this to improve that:

.spoiler::before, .spoiler::after {
    clip-path: inset(100%);
    clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
    height: 1px;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    white-space: nowrap;
    width: 1px;
.spoiler::before {
    content: " [spoiler start] ";
.spoiler::after {
    content: " [spoiler end] ";

...but this still doesn't "fix" the issue, because we're only giving the user warning. Not being a screen-reader user myself, I'm not sure whether this is adequate (is there a 'skip' command that allows skipping to the end of the element or something?) and what isn't.

If you've got a better idea for screen-reader users, please do comment below - I'd love to know.

Found this useful? Got a suggestion to make it even better? Comment below!

Art by Mythdael