Dailyprogammer Challenge #199 - Bank Numbers Pt 1
I have attempted another dailyprogammer challenge on reddit.
This time, the challenge is to take a number in and print a 'banner' representing that number, like this:
Input: 47262
_ _ _ _
|_| | _||_ _|
| ||_ |_||_
Here is my solution:
using System;
public class BigDigits
static string[,] bannerTemplates = new string[,]{
{ " _ ", "| |", "|_|" },
{ " ", " |", " |" },
{ " _ ", " _|", "|_ " },
{ " _ ", " _|", " _|" },
{ " ", "|_|", " |" },
{ " _ ", "|_ ", " _|" },
{ " _ ", "|_ ", "|_|" },
{ " _ ", " |", " |" },
{ " _ ", "|_|", "|_|" },
{ " _ ", "|_|", " _|" }
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length == 0)
Console.WriteLine("This program converts a number to a banner.");
Console.WriteLine("\nUse it like this: ");
Console.WriteLine(" bigintbanners.exe <number>");
Console.WriteLine("\n<number>: The number you want to convert.");
char[] intChars = args[0].ToCharArray();
string[] resultLines = new string[3];
int currentDigit = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < intChars.Length; i++)
currentDigit = int.Parse(intChars[i].ToString());
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
resultLines[j] += bannerTemplates[currentDigit,j];
for(i = 0; i < resultLines.Length; i++)
I find the dailyprogrammer challenges to be a great way to practice a language that you are learning.
32 bit binary, SHA1: 0fc2483dacf151b162e22b3f9b4c5c64e6fe5bdf
Ask below if you need a different binary (e.g. 64 bit, ARM, etc)