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AT24C64 EEPROM and the Arduino

For a project of mine I've bought a bunch of parts. One of those are a bunch of AT24C64 EEPROM chips - which are basically really small SD cards which, in this case, can store 64 KiB of data - even when the power is switched off, as you'd expect.

I ended up having a bit of trouble getting it to work though, as the Arduino IDE appears to have been abandoned and I don't think it's still in development. Still, it works well enough. Anyway, I thought I'd document my findings here for future reference, and to save you a bit of trouble if you find yourself in a similar situation!

The first issue I ran into was in trying to get the associated library to work. I kept getting errors like these:

sketch/eeprom.ino.cpp.o:(.text.loop+0x1c): undefined reference to `AT24CX::writeChars(unsigned int, char*, int)'
sketch/eeprom.ino.cpp.o:(.text.loop+0x20): undefined reference to `AT24CX::readChars(unsigned int, char*, int)'
sketch/eeprom.ino.cpp.o:(.text.loop+0x49): undefined reference to `AT24CX::writeChars(unsigned int, char*, int)'
sketch/eeprom.ino.cpp.o: In function `loop':

Strange. I thought I'd added the #include "lib/AT24Cx/AT24CX.h" to the top? Sure enough, I had. It turns out that the problem actually lay in the fact that I'd used a git submodule to bring in the AT24Cx library, such that the library was not located in the same folder as the .ino file - so the Arduino IDE, in all its wisdom, decided that including the library's .cpp files was hardly necessary O.o

The solution I found was to #include the .cpp explicitly like so:

#include "lib/AT24Cx/AT24CX.cpp"

The other issue I stumbled across was that it couldn't find my EEPROM chip via I2C. Even the demo I2C scanner couldn't find it! It turned out, after searching up a storm on DuckDuckGo, that I needed a pair of 1kΩ resistors stretching from the I2C pins tot he +5V power rail. Here's a diagram I created in Fritzing to show you what I mean:

A circuit diagram showing my wiring for the AT24C64. Note the 1KΩ resistors going form the SCL and SDA pins to the +5V power rail in the breadboard.

(svg, fritzing file)

As usual with the various arduino test programs I find / write, you can get a hold of them in my main arduino repository on my personal git server.

An (unscientific) Introduction to I2C

I've recently bought an LCD display for a project. Since I don't have many pins to play with, I ended up buying an I2C-driven display to cut the data pins down to just 2: One for outgoing messages, and one for receiving incoming messages from other devices.

It's taken me some time to get to grips with the idea of I2C, so I thought I'd write up what I've learnt so far here, along with some helpful hints if you run into problems yourself.

In effect, I2C is a wire protocol that allows multiple devices to talk to each other over a single pair of cables. Every I2C device has an 8 bit hardware address burned into it that it uses to address itself - much like the Internet Protocol when it comes to it, actually. Devices can send messages to one another using these addresses - though not all at the same time, obviously!

If you want to talk directly over I2C with a device, then Wire.h is the library you want to use. Normally though, devices will come with their own library that utilises Wire.h and communicates with it for you.

As a good first test to see if I2C is working, I found an I2C scanner that scans for connected devices. Since the address space is so limited, it doesn't take long at all:

/* --------------------------------------
 * i2c_scanner
 * Version 1
 *  This program (or code that looks like it)
 *  can be found in many places.
 *  For example on the forum.
 *  The original author is not know.
 * Version 2, Juni 2012, Using Arduino 1.0.1
 *  Adapted to be as simple as possible by user Krodal
 * Version 3, Feb 26  2013
 *  V3 by louarnold
 * Version 4, March 3, 2013, Using Arduino 1.0.3
 *  by user Krodal.
 *  Changes by louarnold removed.
 *  Scanning addresses changed from 0...127 to 1...119,
 *  according to the i2c scanner by Nick Gammon
 * Version 5, March 28, 2013
 *  As version 4, but address scans now to 127.
 *  A sensor seems to use address 120.
 * Version 6, November 27, 2015.
 *  Added waiting for the Leonardo serial communication.
 * This sketch tests the standard 7-bit addresses
 * Devices with higher bit address might not be seen properly.

#include <Wire.h>

void setup()

    while (!Serial);             // Leonardo: wait for serial monitor
    Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");

void loop()
    byte error, address;
    int nDevices;


    nDevices = 0;
    for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ )
        // The i2c_scanner uses the return value of
        // the Write.endTransmission to see if
        // a device did acknowledge to the address.
        error = Wire.endTransmission();

        if (error == 0)
            Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
            if (address<16)
            Serial.println("  !");

        else if (error==4)
            Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
            if (address<16)
    if (nDevices == 0)
    Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");

    delay(5000);           // wait 5 seconds for next scan

As the initial comment mentions, I can't claim ownership of this code! I got it from here.

With the code in mind, it's time to look at the circuit design.

A simple I2C circuit connecting an Arduino Uno v3 and an LCD display.

(Above: A simple I2C circuit. Credits go to for the images.)

The above connects an Arduino Uno version 3 with a simple LCD display via a breadboard to allow for expansion to connect future devices. The power (the red and blue cables) link the 5V and GND pins from the Arduino to the appropriate pins on the back of the LCD (the image of an LCD I found didn't have the pins showing :P), and the I2C pins (green and yellow) connect the SDA and SCL pins on the Arduino to the LCD display.

With the circuit done, that completes the system! All that remains now is to build something cool with the components we've put together :D

The final product of the above IRL!

Art by Mythdael