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Finding the distance to a (finite) line from a point in Javascript

A screenshot of the library I've written. Explanation below.

For a project of mine (which I might post about once it's more stable), I'm going to need a way to find the distance to a point from the mouse cursor to implement an eraser. I've attempted this problem before - but it didn't exactly go to plan. To that end, I decided to implement the algorithm on its own to start with - so that I could debug it properly without all the (numerous) moving parts of the project I'm writing it for getting in the way.

As you may have guessed since you're reading this post, it actually went rather well! Using the C++ implementation on this page as a reference, it didn't take more than an hour or two to get a reasonable implementation working - and it didn't take a huge amount of time to tidy it up into an npm package for everyone to use!

My implementation uses ES6 Modules - so you may need to enable them in about:config or chrome://flags if you haven't already (don't believe the pages online that say you need Firefox / Chrome nightly - it's available in stable, just disabled by default) before taking a look at the demo, which you can find here:

Line Distance Calculator

(Click and drag to draw a line - your distance from it is shown in the top left)

The code behind it is actually quite simple - just rather full of nasty maths that will give you a headache if you try and understand it all at once (I broke it down, which helped). The library exposes multiple methods to detect a point's distance from different kinds of line - one for multi-segmented lines (which I needed in the first place), one for a single (finite) line (which the multi-segmented line employs), and one for a single infinite line - which I implemented first, using this Wikipedia article - before finding that it was buggy because it was for an infinite line (even though the article's name is apparently correct)!

I've written up a usage guide if you're interested in playing around with it yourself.

I've also got another library that I've released recently (also for Nibriboard) that simplifies multi-segmented lines instead of finding the distance to them, which I may post about about soon too!

Update: Looks like I forgot that I've already posted about the other library! You can read about it here: Line Simplification: Visvalingam's Algorithm

Got a question? Wondering why I've gone to the trouble of implementing such an algorithm? Comment below - I'd love to hear your thoughts!

PixelBot Part 2: Devices need protocols, apparently

A selection of the technologies I'm using to put together my PixelHub server.

So there I was. I'd just got home, turned on my laptop, opened the Arduino IDE and Monodevelop, and then.... nothing. I knew I wanted my PixelBot to talk to the PixelHub I'd started writing, but I was confused as to how I could make it happen.

In this kind of situation, I realised that although I knew what I wanted them to do, I hadn't figured out the how. As it happens, when you're trying to get one (or more, in this case) different devices to talk to each other, there's something rather useful that helps them all to speak the same language: a protocol.

A protocol is a specification that defines the language that different devices use to talk to each other and exchange messages. Defining one before you start writing a networked program is probably a good idea - I find particularly helpful to write a specification for the protocol that the program(s) I'm writing, especially if their function(s) is/are complicated.

To this end, I've ended up spending a considerable amount of time drawing up the PixelHub Protocol - a specification document that defines how my PixelHub server is going to talk to a swarm of PixelBots. It might seem strange at first, but I decided on a (mostly) binary protocol.

Upon closer inspection though, (I hope) it makes a lot of sense. Since the Arduino is programmed using C++ as it has a limited amount of memory, it doesn't have any of the standard string manipulation function that you're used to in C♯. Since C++ is undoubtedly the harder of the 2 to write, I decided to make it easier to write the C++ rather than the C&sharp. Messages on the Arduino side are come in as a byte[] array, so (in theory) it should be easy to pick out certain known parts of the array and cast them into various different fundamental types.

With the specification written, the next step in my PixelBot journey is to actually implement it, which I'll be posting about in the next entry in this series!

My PixelBot is Connected! (Part 1)

After many attempts and solving many problems, I've finally gotten my Wemos-powered PixelBot to connect via TCP to a C# server component I've written. Since I experienced so many problems with it, I decided to post about it here to help others who want to do the same as I.

The first (and arguably most difficult) hurdle I came across was the lack of correct information. For one, the TCP client class is actually called WifiClient (which is confusing in and of itself). For another, there aren't any really good tutorials out there that show you what to do.

In addition, I wanted to build a (rather complicated as it turns out!) auto discovery system to allow my PixelBot to find the PixelHub (the server) automatically. As usual, there was even less information about this task! All I found was an outdated guide and rather simplistic example. I ended up inspecting the header file of the WiFiUDP class in order to figure it out.

In this post, I'm going to explain how I got the autodiscovery mechanism working. Before we begin, you need to understand what multicast UDP is and how it works. For those of you who don't, I've posted all about it.

There are several ways that one can go about writing an autodiscovery mechanism. While Rob Miles chose mDNS, I ended up approaching the problem from a different angle and writing my own protocol. It's best explained with a diagram:

A diagram explaining the PixelBot's autodiscovery mechanism.

  1. The PixelHub server has a beacon that sends out pings to tell the PixelBots where it is
  2. The PixelBots subscribe to the beacon ping channel when they want to find the server
  3. The PixelBots decode the incoming ping packets to find the discover of the server
  4. The PixelBots connect to the PixelHub server using the credentials that it found in the beacon pings it decoded!

In order to receive these beacon pings, we need to set up a UDP listener and wire it up to receive multicast packets. In the following example I'm multicasting on on port 5050.

IPAddress beaconAddress = IPAddress(239, 62, 148, 30);
unsigned int beaconPort = 5050;

WiFiUDP UdpClient;
UdpClient.beginMulticast(WiFi.localIP(), beaconAddress, beaconPort);

After connecting to the multicast address, we then need to receive the pings:

// Create a buffer to hold the message 
byte datagramBuffer[datagramBufferSize];
// Prefill the datagram buffer with zeros for protection later
memset(datagramBuffer, '\0', datagramBufferSize);
while(true) {
    int datagramSize = UdpClient.parsePacket();
    Serial.print("Received datagram #");
    Serial.print(" bytes in size from ");

    // Don't overflow the message buffer!
    if(datagramSize > datagramBufferSize) {
        Serial.println(", but the message is larger than the datagram buffer size.");
    // Read the message in now that we've verified that it won't blow our buffer up, datagramSize);

    // Cheat and cast the datagram to a character array
    char* datagramStr = (char*)datagramBuffer;


That's rather complicated for such a simple task! Anyway, now we've got our beacon ping into a character array, we can start to pick it apart. Before we do, here's what my beacon pings look like:

[email protected]:5050
  ^        ^        ^
 Role IP Address   Port

Although it looks simple, in C++ (the language of the arduino) it's rather a pain. Here's what I came up with:

// Define the role of the remote server that we're looking for
char desiredRemoteRole[7] = { 's', 'e', 'r', 'v', 'e', 'r', '\0' };

// Find the positions of the key characters
int atPos = findChar(datagramStr, '@');
int colonPos = findChar(datagramStr, ':');

// Create some variables to store things in
char role[7];
char serverIp[16];
char serverPortText[7];
int serverPort = -1;
// Fill everything with zeroes to protect ourselves
memset(role, '\0', 7);
memset(serverIp, '\0', 16);
memset(serverPortText, '\0', 7);
// Extract the parts of the 
strncpy(role, datagramStr, atPos);
strncpy(serverIp, datagramStr + atPos + 1, colonPos - atPos - 1);
strncpy(serverPortText, datagramStr + colonPos + 1, datagramSize - colonPos - 1);


// Print everything out to the serial console
Serial.print("atPos: "); Serial.println(atPos);
Serial.print("colonPos: "); Serial.println(colonPos);

Serial.print("Role: "); Serial.print(role); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Remote IP: "); Serial.print(serverIp); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print("Port number: "); Serial.print(serverPortText);

// If the advertiser isn't playing the role of a server, then we're not interested
if(strcmp(role, desiredRemoteRole) != 0)
    Serial.print("Incompatible role "); Serial.print(role); Serial.println(".");
Serial.println("Role ok!");
serverPort = atoi(serverPortText);

Phew! That's a lot of code! I've tried to annotate it the best I can. The important variables in the are serverIp the serverPort - they hold the IP address and the port number of the remote machine that we want to connect to.

I hope that's somewhat helpful. If there's anything you don't understand or need help with, please post a comment down below :-)

Next time, I'm going to show off the TCP connection bit of the system. Stay tuned :D

Pepperminty Wiki Turns 2!

Pepperminty Wiki turns 2(!) :D

2 years ago today, I decided that I'd build a wiki. At the time, I was unsatisfied with all the currently solutions out there - they were either too bulky, old and unmaintained, or just otherwise not quite right. I decided to build something different: An entire wiki in a single file. One single file that you can drop onto your web server and have it just work.

Although I've had to rework and rewrite a few things along the way, development has generally gone ok. I've found that as it's grown, I've needed to change the way I design it slightly - it's been a great learning experience!

In May this year, I managed to get Pepperminty Wiki into Awesome Self Hosted, a list of cool pieces of software that you can host on your own server - a list that has ~12,000 stars on GitHub.

Fast forward to the present, and I find myself with an awesome wiki - that's still all contained in a single file. It's powered by Parsedown. It supports multiple users, page protection, sub pages, full text search (!), customisable themes, tags, redirects, and more! It's also got a whole host of configurable settings system - allowing you to customise how your wiki works to your liking. Best of all, it's got a flexible module based system - so anyone can come along and write a new module to extend it's functionality.

If this sounds like the kind of thing you'd like to use yourself, just head over to the getting your own copy section on it's page (for the lazy, the online downloader is here).

Going forwards, I'd like to a commenting system to let people comment on pages on a wiki. I'd like to add edit previews. I'd like to add a GUI for the settings file. I've got so many ideas that it's difficult to choose which to do next :D

Thank you, everyone for the last 2 years. Here's to another 2 amazing fun filled years! I don't intend to stop development any time soon :D

Pepperminty Wiki is now on WikiMatrix!

The WikiMatrix Logo

After a year of waiting (and hard work improving it), Pepperminty Wiki is now on!

WikiMatrix is a brilliant site that lets you compare many different pieces of wiki software with each other in order to figure out which one best meets your needs. Unfortunately, the admins are rather difficult to get hold of, and so new wikis get added rarely.

If you're looking to set up a a small wiki, I recommend checking out my project Pepperminty Wiki. It's inspired by am2064's logo am2064's Minty Wiki that he posted on /r/tinycode, and is designed to be uploaded to a web server and just work (after configuring it, of course!). It's packed into a single file and currently weighs in at ~160kb, so you won't have to wait around for ages for it to download or unpack.

Notable features include multiple users, subpages, templates, file uploads, a full text search engine, page protection, and more! New features are being added all the time - an up to date list can be found in the Github README (link below). Features can be added or removed at any time, too - Pepperminty Wiki sports a module based approach, letting you decide on what features your wiki has enabled.

Link: Pepperminty Wiki

Pepperminty Wiki

3D Worley Noise with noisebox

Worley Noise Recently, I've been writing a command line noise generation tool in C♯, and I've called it noisebox. Initially I found a few noise generation algorithms that other people had already implemented, so all I had to do was write an extensible interfacde on top of the code I'd found. When I came to Worley noise, I couldn't find an implementation that I could understand (I haven't taken a look at delegates properly yet), so I decided to write my own. It's still got some bugs in it, but I've decided to relase the Worley noise implementation on it's own first, and then I will tidy up a few loose ends and release the full code on GitHub (loko out for a blog post soon!).

Here's a link to a gist of the Worley noise generator: Worley.cs

The imbuilt documentation comments (what do you call them?) should give you enough information to use it, but if you get stuck post a comment below and I will try and help you out.

The code will be released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0.

This post's title include the word "3D" - but the image at the top is very much in 2D. To demonstrate the 3D-ness of the algorithm, I added the --frames and --offset options to noisebox and rendered 1000 frames of noise, and then stitched the together with ffmpeg. I've uploaded the result to youtube.

The Big Warehouse: A collection of Computer Science Related Links


Today I was going to have the second tutorial in the XMPP: A Lost Protocol series, but asciinema, the terminal recording system I use, crashed when I absent mindedly resized my PuTTY window. I will try recording again soon.

Instead, I have a shorter post about a github project that I started a while ago called The Big Warehouse. Sadly it isn't a game but rather a collection of links organised into a number of Big Boxes. Each big box contains a collection of links about a particular programming language or system (e.g. Javascript, CSS, Version Control Systems, etc.).

Every time I find a good tutorial or library, I will add it to the appropriate big box. If you find a cool thing you think would fit in the warehouse, simply open an issue or submit a pull request. If you don't have a github account, comment on this post and I will add it that way (I get notified about all comments on this blog).

You can find it here: The Big Warehouse

Art by Mythdael