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C# & .NET Terminology Demystified: A Glossary

After my last glossary post on LoRa, I thought I'd write another one of C♯ and .NET, as (in typical Microsoft fashion it would seem), they're seems to be a lot of jargon floating around whose meaning is not always obvious.

If you're new to C♯ and the .NET ecosystems, I wouldn't recommend tackling all of this at once - especially the bottom ~3 definitions - with those in particular there's a lot to get your head around.


C♯ is an object-oriented programming language that was invented by Microsoft. It's cross-platform, and is usually written in an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), which has a deeper understanding of the code you write than a regular text editor. IDEs include Visual Studio (for Windows) and MonoDevelop (for everyone else).


A Solution (sometimes referred to as a Visual Studio Solution) is the top-level definition of a project, contained in a file ending in .sln. Each solution may contain one or more Project Files (not to be confused with the project you're working on itself), each of which gets compiled into a single binary. Each project may have its own dependencies too: whether they be a core standard library, another project, or a NuGet package.


A project contains your code, and sits 1 level down from a solution file. Normally, a solution file will sit in the root directory of your repository, and the projects will each have their own sub-folders.

While each project has a single output file (be that a .dll class library or a standalone .exe executable), a project may have multiple dependencies - leading to many files in the build output folder.

The build process and dependency definitions for a project are defined in the .csproj file. This file is written in XML, and can be edited to perform advanced build steps, should you need to do something that the GUI of your IDE doesn't support. I've blogged about the structuring of this file before (see here, and also a bit more here), should you find yourself curious.


Known as Common Intermediate Language, CIL is the binary format that C♯ (also Visual Basic and F♯ code) code gets compiled into. From here, the .NET runtime (on Windows) or Mono (on macOS, Linux, etc.) can execute it to run the compiled project.


The build system for Solutions and Projects. It reads a .sln or .csproj (there are others for different languages, but I won't list them here) file and executes the defined build instructions.

.NET Framework

The .NET Framework is the standard library of C♯ it provides practically everything you'll need to perform most common tasks. It does not provide a framework for constructing GUIs and Graphical Interfaces. You can browse the API reference over at the official .NET API Browser.


The Windows Presentation Foundation is a Windows-only GUI framework. Powered by XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) definitions of what the GUI should look like, it provides everything you need to create a native-looking GUI on Windows.

It does not work on macOS and Linux. To create a cross-platform program that works on all 3 operating systems, you'll need to use an alternative GUI framework, such as XWT or Gtk# (also: Glade). A more complete list of cross-platform frameworks can be found here. It's worth noting that Windows Forms, although a tempting option, aren't as flexible as the other options listed here.

C♯ 7

The 7th version of the C♯ language specification. This includes the syntax of the language, but not the .NET Framework itself.

.NET Standard

A specification of the .NET Framework, but not the C♯ Language. As of the time of typing, the latest version is 2.0, although version 1.6 is commonly used too. The intention here is the improve cross-platform portability of .NET programs by defining a specification for a subset of the full .NET Framework standard library that all platforms will always be able to use. This includes Android and iOS through the use of Xamarin.

Note that all .NET Standard projects are class libraries. In order to create an executable, you'll have to add an additional Project to your Solution that references your .NET Standard class library.


A web framework for .NET-based programming languages (in our case C♯). Allows you to write C♯ code to handle HTTP (and now WebSockets) requests in a similar manner to PHP, but different in that your code still needs compiling. Compiled code is then managed by a web server IIS web server (on Windows).

With the release of .NET Core, ASP.NET is now obsolete.

.NET Core

Coming in 2 versions so far (1.0 and 2.0), .NET Core is the replacement for ASP.NET (though this is not its exclusive purpose). As far as I understand it, .NET Core is a modular runtime that allows programs targeting it to run multiple platforms. Such programs can either be ASP.NET Core, or a Universal Windows Platform application for the Windows Store.

This question and answer appears to have the best explanation I've found so far. In particular, the displayed diagram is very helpful:

A diagram showing the structure of the .NET ecosystem, including .NET Core. See the links in the sources and further reading below for more information.

....along with the pair of official "Introducing" blog posts that I've included in the Sources and Further Reading section below.


We've looked at some of the confusing terminology in the .NET ecosystems, and examined each of them in turn. We started by defining and untangling the process by which your C♯ code is compiled and run, and then moved on to the different variants and specifications related to the .NET Framework and C♯.

As always, this is a starting point - not an ending point! I'd recommend doing some additional reading and experimentation to figure out all the details.

Found this helpful? Still confused? Spotted a mistake? Comment below!

Sources and Further Reading

Markov Chains Part 3: Weighted Chains

Recently I remembered that I had all the pieces I need to make a weighted version of the unweighted markov chain I built in part 2 of this series - specifically the weighted random number generator I built shortly after the unweighted markov chain. With this in mind, I decided on a whim to put all the pieces of the puzzle together - and this post is the result!

Where to start... hrm. I know. To start with, I needed to perform a minor upgrade tot he WeightedRandom class I had. If you haven't read the original post about it, I'd recommend doing so now.

Finished reading that? Great! Lets talk about the changes I've made (they may show up there at the bottom, since I embedded it via GitHub Gist). Firstly, I needed a way to work out if the weighted random number generator was currently empty or not, leading me to add a Count property:

public int Count {
    get {
        return weights.Count;

With a count property in place, I also found I was going to need a way to dynamically swap out the weightings of the random number generator without creating a completely new instance - which would end up resetting the Random class instance it was working with, leading to a reduction in the quality in random numbers it uses under high load (see [this article]() for more information on that).

To that end, I ended up refactoring the constructor into a pair of methods: SetContents, and a companion method ClearContents. Since the weight calculations happen when the items are first added to the generator, and I'd need to completely recalculate them if another item is added, I wasn't able to emulate the API for another existing class in .NET, such as the List class, as I like to do.

Finally, I found later on I needed a way to initialise an empty weighted random generator, so I added a new empty constructor to facilitate that, along with an additional check in the Next() method that throws an InvalidOperationException if the generator is empty and you try to ask it to pick a random item.

Here's the updated WeightedRandomNumberGenerator:

(Can't see the above? Click here to view it on GitHub directly, or here for the raw code as plain text)

With the weighted random number generator updated to properly support the future weighted markov chain, let's get down to the markov chain itself. Firstly, let's create a skeleton that's based on the UnweightedMarkovChain class I wrote in the last post:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MarkovGrams.Utilities;
using SBRL.Algorithms;

namespace MarkovGrams
    /// <summary>
    /// An unweighted character-based markov chain.
    /// </summary>
    public class WeightedMarkovChain
        private WeightedRandom<string> wrandom = new WeightedRandom<string>();

        /// <summary>
        /// The ngrams that this markov chain currently contains.
        /// </summary>
        Dictionary<string, double> ngrams;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new character-based markov chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inNgrams">The ngrams to populate the new markov chain with.</param>
        public WeightedMarkovChain(IEnumerable<string> inNgrams);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random ngram that's currently loaded into this WeightedMarkovChain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A random ngram from this UnweightMarkovChain's cache of ngrams.</returns>
        public string RandomNgram();

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new random string from the currently stored ngrams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">
        /// The length of ngram to generate.
        /// Note that this is a target, not a fixed value - e.g. passing 2 when the n-gram order is 3 will
        /// result in a string of length 3. Also, depending on the current ngrams this markov chain contains,
        /// it may end up being cut short. 
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A new random string.</returns>
        public string Generate(int length);

As you can see, it is rather similar to the unweighted version. Fear not however, for the differences will become more apparent shortly. The only real difference so far is the extra private WeightedRandom<string> wrandom declaration at the top of the class. Let's change that though, by filling out the constructor:

ngrams = new Dictionary<string, double>();
foreach (string ngram in inNgrams)
    if (ngrams.ContainsKey(ngram))
        ngrams.Add(ngram, 1);

Here, we read in the raw n-grams and a dictionary that represents the number of times that a given n-gram has been discovered. It's got to be a double there as the type value of the dictionary, as apparently the C♯ compiler isn't clever enough to convert a Dictionary<string, int> to a Dictionary<string, double>. Hrm. Maybe they'll fix that in the future (or if not, does anyone know why not-)?

Anyway, let's move on to RandomNgram(). Here it is:

if (wrandom.Count == 0)
return wrandom.Next();

Quite simple, right? Basically, we populate the weighted random generator if it's currently empty, and then we simply ask it for a random item. We're on a roll, here! Let's keep going with Generate(). Here's the first part:

string result = RandomNgram();
string lastNgram = result;
while(result.Length < length)
    // ......

Here, we declare an accumulator-like variable result to hold the word we're generating as we construct it, and another one to holdt he last n-gram we picked. We also create a while loop to make sure we keep adding to the word until we reach the desired length (we'll be adding a stop condition just in case we run into a brick wall later). Next, let's put some code inside that while loop. First up is the (re)population of the weighted random number generator:

// The substring that the next ngram in the chain needs to start with
string nextStartsWith = lastNgram.Substring(1);
// Get a list of possible n-grams we could choose from next
Dictionary<string, double> convNextNgrams = new Dictionary<string, double>();
ngrams.Where(gram_data => gram_data.Key.StartsWith(nextStartsWith))
      .ForEach((KeyValuePair<string, double> ngramData) => convNextNgrams.Add(ngramData.Key, ngramData.Value));

Ah, good ol' Linq to the rescue again! But wait, what's that ForEach() call there? I don't remember that being in core .NET! You'd be right of course, but through the power of [extension methods]() one can extend a class with an additional method that can then be used as if it were an integral part of that class, when in reality that isn't the case! Here's my definition for that ForEach() extension method I used above:

public static class LinqExtensions
    public static void ForEach<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable, Action<T> action)
        foreach (T item in enumerable)

Next, we need to add that stop condition we talked about earlier before I forget! Here it is:

// If there aren't any choices left, we can't exactly keep adding to the new string any more :-(
if(convNextNgrams.Count() == 0)

Observant readers will notice that we haven't actually finished the (re)population process yet, so we should do that next. Once done, we can also obtain a random n-gram from the generator and process it:

// Pick a random n-gram from the list
string nextNgram = wrandom.Next();
// Add the last character from the n-gram to the string we're building
result += nextNgram[nextNgram.Length - 1];
lastNgram = nextNgram;

That completes my initial weighted markov chain implementation. Here's the class in full:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using MarkovGrams.Utilities;
using SBRL.Algorithms;

namespace MarkovGrams
    /// <summary>
    /// An unweighted character-based markov chain.
    /// </summary>
    public class WeightedMarkovChain
        private WeightedRandom<string> wrandom = new WeightedRandom<string>();

        /// <summary>
        /// The ngrams that this markov chain currently contains.
        /// </summary>
        Dictionary<string, double> ngrams;

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new character-based markov chain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inNgrams">The ngrams to populate the new markov chain with.</param>
        public WeightedMarkovChain(IEnumerable<string> inNgrams)
            ngrams = new Dictionary<string, double>();
            foreach (string ngram in inNgrams)
                if (ngrams.ContainsKey(ngram))
                    ngrams.Add(ngram, 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random ngram that's currently loaded into this WeightedMarkovChain.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A random ngram from this UnweightMarkovChain's cache of ngrams.</returns>
        public string RandomNgram()
            if (wrandom.Count == 0)
            return wrandom.Next();

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new random string from the currently stored ngrams.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="length">
        /// The length of ngram to generate.
        /// Note that this is a target, not a fixed value - e.g. passing 2 when the n-gram order is 3 will
        /// result in a string of length 3. Also, depending on the current ngrams this markov chain contains,
        /// it may end up being cut short. 
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>A new random string.</returns>
        public string Generate(int length)
            string result = RandomNgram();
            string lastNgram = result;
            while(result.Length < length)
                // The substring that the next ngram in the chain needs to start with
                string nextStartsWith = lastNgram.Substring(1);
                // Get a list of possible n-grams we could choose from next
                Dictionary<string, double> convNextNgrams = new Dictionary<string, double>();
                ngrams.Where(gram_data => gram_data.Key.StartsWith(nextStartsWith))
                      .ForEach((KeyValuePair<string, double> ngramData) => convNextNgrams.Add(ngramData.Key, ngramData.Value));
                // If there aren't any choices left, we can't exactly keep adding to the new string any more :-(
                if(convNextNgrams.Count() == 0)
                // Pick a random n-gram from the list
                string nextNgram = wrandom.Next();
                // Add the last character from the n-gram to the string we're building
                result += nextNgram[nextNgram.Length - 1];
                lastNgram = nextNgram;
            return result;

You can find it on my private git server here, if you're interested in any future improvements I might have made to it since writing this post. Speaking of which, I've got a few in mind - mainly refactoring both this class and it's unweighted cousin to utilise lists of objects instead of strings. This way, I'll be able to apply it to anything I like - such as sentence generation, music improvisation, and more!

I'd also like to extend it such that I can specify the weights manually, giving me even more flexibility as to how I can put the engine to use.

(Found a cool use for a Markov Chain? Comment about it below!)

Sources and Further Reading

Building a line-by-line lexer in C#

So there I was. It was a lazy afternoon before my final exam of the semester, and I was idly looking through some old code. One thing led to another, and I ended up writing a line-based scanning lexer in C# - and I thought I'd share it here, pulling it apart and putting it back together again.

The aim was to build something regular expression based, that would be flexible enough that it could be used in a wide-range of applications - but not too difficult or confusing to pick up, use and add to another project. The final code isn't currently available in a public repository (it's actually for a personal project - maybe I'll get around to refactoring it into a library if there's the demand), but I'll still post the finished code at the end of this post.

To start with, let's define some data classes to hold some input and output information. Hrm. Let's see - we'll need a class to represent a rule that the lexer will utilise, and one to represent the tokens that our lexer will be emitting. Let's deal with the one for the rules first:

public class LexerRule<TokenType>
    public readonly TokenType Type;
    public readonly Regex RegEx;
    public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;

    public LexerRule(TokenType inName, string inRegEx)
        if (!typeof(TokenType).IsEnum)
            throw new ArgumentException($"Error: inName must be an enum - {typeof(TokenType)} passed");

        Type = inName;
        RegEx = new Regex(inRegEx);

    public bool Toggle()
        Enabled = !Enabled;
        return Enabled;

Here I define a template (or generic) class that holds a regular expression, and associates it with a value from an enum. There's probably a better / cleaner way to make sure that TokenType is an enum, but for now this should serve it's purpose just fine. I also add a simple Enabled boolean property - as we'll be adding support for dynamically enabling and disabling rules later on.

Next up, let's tackle the class for the tokens that we're going to be emitting:

public class LexerToken<TokenType>
    public readonly bool IsNullMatch = false;
    public readonly LexerRule<TokenType> Rule = null;
    public readonly Match RegexMatch;

    public TokenType Type {
        get {
            try {
                return Rule.Type;
            catch (NullReferenceException) {
                return default(TokenType);
    private string nullValueData;
    public string Value {
        get {
            return IsNullMatch ? nullValueData : RegexMatch.Value;

    public LexerToken(LexerRule<TokenType> inRule, Match inMatch)
        Rule = inRule;
        RegexMatch = inMatch;
    public LexerToken(string unknownData)
        IsNullMatch = true;
        nullValueData = unknownData;

    public override string ToString()
        return string.Format("[LexerToken: Type={0}, Value={1}]", Type, Value);

A little more complex, but still manageable. It, like it's LexerRule cousin, is also a template (or generic) class. It holds the type of token it is and the regular expression Match object generated during the scanning process. It also has something strange going on with Value and nullValueData - this is such that we can emit tokens with an 'unknown' type (more on that later) for the text in between that doesn't match any known rule. We'll be covering this later too.

With our data classes in place, it's time to turn our attention to the lexer itself. Let's put together some scaffolding to get an idea as to how it's going to work:

public class Lexer<TokenType>
    public List<LexerRule<TokenType>> Rules { get; private set; } = new List<LexerRule<TokenType>>();

    public int CurrentLineNumber { get; private set; } = 0;
    public int CurrentLinePos { get; private set; } = 0;
    public int TotalCharsScanned { get; private set; } = 0;

    private StreamReader textStream;

    public Lexer()


    public void AddRule(LexerRule<TokenType> newRule);
    public void AddRules(IEnumerable<LexerRule<TokenType>> newRules);

    public void Initialise(StreamReader reader);

    public IEnumerable<LexerToken<TokenType>> TokenStream();

    public void EnableRule(TokenType type);
    public void DisableRule(TokenType type);
    public void SetRule(TokenType type, bool state);

There - that should do the trick! CurrentLineNumber, CurrentLinePos, and TotalCharsScanned are properties to keep track of where we've got to, and textStream is the StreamReader we'll be reading data from. Then, we've got some methods that will add new lexer rules to Rules enable and disable rules by token type, a method to initialise the lexer with the correct textStream, and finally a generator method that will emit the tokens.

With our skeleton complete, let's fill out a few of those methods:

public void AddRule(LexerRule<TokenType> newRule)
public void AddRules(IEnumerable<LexerRule<TokenType>> newRules)

public void Initialise(StreamReader reader)
    textStream = reader;

public void EnableRule(TokenType type)
    SetRule(type, true);
public void DisableRule(TokenType type)
    SetRule(type, false);
public void SetRule(TokenType type, bool state)
    foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules)
        // We have to do a string comparison here because of the generic type we're using in multiple nested
        // classes
        if (Enum.GetName(rule.Type.GetType(), rule.Type) == Enum.GetName(type.GetType(), type)) {
            rule.Enabled = state;

Very cool. None of this is particularly exciting - apart from SetBody. In SetBody we have to convert the type argument ot a string in order to compare it to the rules in the Rules list, as C♯ doesn't seem to understand that the TokenType on the LexerRule class is the same as the TokenType on the Lexer class - even though they have the same name! This did give me an idea for a trio of additional methods to make manipulating rules easier though:

public void EnableRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix)
    SetRulesByPrefix(tokenTypePrefix, true);
public void DisableRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix)
    SetRulesByPrefix(tokenTypePrefix, false);
public void SetRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix, bool state)
    foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules)
        // We have to do a string comparison here because of the generic type we're using in multiple nested
        // classes
        if (Enum.GetName(rule.Type.GetType(), rule.Type).StartsWith(tokenTypePrefix, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
            rule.Enabled = state;

This set of methods let us enable or disable rules based on what they are with. For example, if I have the 3 rules CommentStart, CommentEnd, and FunctionStart, then calling EnableRulesByPrefix("Comment") will enable CommentStart and CommentEnd, but not FunctionStart.

With all the interfacing code out of the way, let's turn tot he real meat of the subject: The TokenStream method. This is the method behind the magic. It's a bit complicated, so let's take it step-by-step. Firstly, we need to iterate over the lines in the StreamReader:

string nextLine;
List<LexerToken<TokenType>> matches = new List<LexerToken<TokenType>>();
while ((nextLine = textStream.ReadLine()) != null)
    CurrentLinePos = 0;

    // .....

    TotalCharsScanned += CurrentLinePos;

Fairly simple, right? I've used this construct a few times in the past. Before you ask, we'll get to matches in just a moment :-) Next, we need another while loop that iterates until we reach the end of the line:

while (CurrentLinePos < nextLine.Length)
    foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules) {
        if (!rule.Enabled) continue;

        Match nextMatch = rule.RegEx.Match(nextLine, CurrentLinePos);
        if (!nextMatch.Success) continue;

        matches.Add(new LexerToken<TokenType>(rule, nextMatch));

    // .....

Also fairly easy to follow. Basically, we clear the matches list, and then attempt to find the next match from the current position on the line that we've reached (CurrentLinePos) for every rule - and we store all the successful matches for further inspection and processing. We also make sure we skip any disabled rules here, too.

If we don't find any matching rules, then that must mean that we can't match the rest of this line to any known token. In this case, we want to emit an unknown token:

if (matches.Count == 0) {
    yield return new LexerToken<TokenType>(nextLine.Substring(CurrentLinePos));

This is what that extra LexerToken constructor is for that we created above. Note that we yield return here, instead of simply returning - this is very similar in construct to the yield statement in Javascript that I blogged about before (and again here), in that they allow you to maintain state inside a method and return multiple values in sequence.

By an 'unknown token', I am referring to the default value of the TokenType enum. Here's an example enum you might use with this lexer class:

public enum SimpleToken {
    Unknown = 0,



Since the value Unknown is explicitly assigned the index 0, we can be absolutely certain that it's the default value of this enum.

With our list of potential matches in hand, we next need to sort it in order to work our which one we should prioritise. After deliberating and experimenting a bit, I came up with this:

matches.Sort((LexerToken<TokenType> a, LexerToken<TokenType> b) => {
    // Match of offset position position
    int result = nextLine.IndexOf(a.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) -
                nextLine.IndexOf(b.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos, StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
    // If they both start at the same position, then go with the longest one
    if (result == 0)
        result = b.RegexMatch.Length - a.RegexMatch.Length;

    return result;

Basically, this sorts them so that the matches closest to the current scanning position on the list (CurrentLinePos) are prioritised. If 2 or more matches tie based on this criterion, we prioritise the longest match. This seems to work for now - I can always change it later if it becomes a problem :P

With our matches sorted, we can now pick our the one we're going t emit next. Before we do so though, we need to take care of any characters between our current scanning position and the start of the next token:

LexerToken<TokenType> selectedToken = matches[0];
int selectedTokenOffset = nextLine.IndexOf(selectedToken.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos) - CurrentLinePos;

if (selectedTokenOffset > 0) {
    CurrentLinePos += selectedTokenOffset;
    yield return new LexerToken<TokenType>(nextLine.Substring(CurrentLinePos, selectedTokenOffset));

This emits these additional characters as an unknown token as we did before. Finally, we can emit the token and continue onto the next iteration of the loop:

CurrentLinePos += selectedToken.RegexMatch.Length;
yield return selectedToken;

That concludes our TokenStream method - and with it this lexer! Here's the code in full:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace SBRL.Tools
    public class LexerRule<TokenType>
        public readonly TokenType Type;
        public readonly Regex RegEx;
        public bool Enabled { get; set; } = true;

        public LexerRule(TokenType inName, string inRegEx)
            if (!typeof(TokenType).IsEnum)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Error: inName must be an enum - {typeof(TokenType)} passed");

            Type = inName;
            RegEx = new Regex(inRegEx);

        public bool Toggle()
            Enabled = !Enabled;
            return Enabled;

    public class LexerToken<TokenType>
        public readonly bool IsNullMatch = false;
        public readonly LexerRule<TokenType> Rule = null;
        public readonly Match RegexMatch;

        public TokenType Type {
            get {
                try {
                    return Rule.Type;
                catch (NullReferenceException) {
                    return default(TokenType);
        private string nullValueData;
        public string Value {
            get {
                return IsNullMatch ? nullValueData : RegexMatch.Value;

        public LexerToken(LexerRule<TokenType> inRule, Match inMatch)
            Rule = inRule;
            RegexMatch = inMatch;
        public LexerToken(string unknownData)
            IsNullMatch = true;
            nullValueData = unknownData;

        public override string ToString()
            return string.Format("[LexerToken: Type={0}, Value={1}]", Type, Value);

    public class Lexer<TokenType>
        public List<LexerRule<TokenType>> Rules { get; private set; } = new List<LexerRule<TokenType>>();

        public bool Verbose { get; set; } = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// The number of the line that currently being scanned.
        /// </summary>
        public int CurrentLineNumber { get; private set; } = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// The number of characters on the current line that have been scanned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>The current line position.</value>
        public int CurrentLinePos { get; private set; } = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// The total number of characters currently scanned by this lexer instance.
        /// Only updated every newline!
        /// </summary>
        public int TotalCharsScanned { get; private set; } = 0;

        private StreamReader textStream;

        public Lexer()


        public void AddRule(LexerRule<TokenType> newRule)
        public void AddRules(IEnumerable<LexerRule<TokenType>> newRules)

        public void Initialise(StreamReader reader)
            textStream = reader;

        public IEnumerable<LexerToken<TokenType>> TokenStream()
            string nextLine;
            List<LexerToken<TokenType>> matches = new List<LexerToken<TokenType>>();
            while ((nextLine = textStream.ReadLine()) != null)
                CurrentLinePos = 0;

                while (CurrentLinePos < nextLine.Length)
                    foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules) {
                        if (!rule.Enabled) continue;

                        Match nextMatch = rule.RegEx.Match(nextLine, CurrentLinePos);
                        if (!nextMatch.Success) continue;

                        matches.Add(new LexerToken<TokenType>(rule, nextMatch));

                    if (matches.Count == 0) {
                        string unknownTokenContent = nextLine.Substring(CurrentLinePos);
                        if(Verbose) Console.WriteLine("[Unknown Token: No matches found for this line] {0}", unknownTokenContent);
                        yield return new LexerToken<TokenType>(unknownTokenContent);

                    matches.Sort((LexerToken<TokenType> a, LexerToken<TokenType> b) => {
                        // Match of offset position position
                        int result = nextLine.IndexOf(a.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) -
                                    nextLine.IndexOf(b.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos, StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
                        // If they both start at the same position, then go with the longest one
                        if (result == 0)
                            result = b.RegexMatch.Length - a.RegexMatch.Length;

                        return result;
                    LexerToken<TokenType> selectedToken = matches[0];
                    int selectedTokenOffset = nextLine.IndexOf(selectedToken.RegexMatch.Value, CurrentLinePos) - CurrentLinePos;

                    if (selectedTokenOffset > 0) {
                        string extraTokenContent = nextLine.Substring(CurrentLinePos, selectedTokenOffset);
                        CurrentLinePos += selectedTokenOffset;
                        if(Verbose) Console.WriteLine("[Unmatched content] '{0}'", extraTokenContent);
                        yield return new LexerToken<TokenType>(extraTokenContent);

                    CurrentLinePos += selectedToken.RegexMatch.Length;
                    if(Verbose) Console.WriteLine(selectedToken);
                    yield return selectedToken;

                if(Verbose) Console.WriteLine("[Lexer] Next line");
                TotalCharsScanned += CurrentLinePos;

        public void EnableRule(TokenType type)
            SetRule(type, true);
        public void DisableRule(TokenType type)
            SetRule(type, false);
        public void SetRule(TokenType type, bool state)
            foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules)
                // We have to do a string comparison here because of the generic type we're using in multiple nested
                // classes
                if (Enum.GetName(rule.Type.GetType(), rule.Type) == Enum.GetName(type.GetType(), type)) {
                    rule.Enabled = state;

        public void EnableRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix)
            SetRulesByPrefix(tokenTypePrefix, true);
        public void DisableRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix)
            SetRulesByPrefix(tokenTypePrefix, false);
        public void SetRulesByPrefix(string tokenTypePrefix, bool state)
            foreach (LexerRule<TokenType> rule in Rules)
                // We have to do a string comparison here because of the generic type we're using in multiple nested
                // classes
                if (Enum.GetName(rule.Type.GetType(), rule.Type).StartsWith(tokenTypePrefix, StringComparison.CurrentCulture))
                    rule.Enabled = state;

It's a bit much to take in all at once, but hopefully by breaking it down into steps I've made it easier to understand how I built it, and how all the different pieces fit together. The only real difference between the above code and the code I walked through in this post is the Verbose parameter I added for testing purposes, and the associated Console.WriteLine calls. For fun, here's a very basic LOGO (also here) lexer. I've based it on what I remember from using MSWLogo / FMSLogo a long time ago (there seem to be many dialects around these days):

public enum LogoToken
    Unknown = 0,




public class LogoLexer : Lexer<LogoToken>
    public LogoLexer()
        AddRules(new List<LexerRule<LogoToken>>() {
            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.Whitespace,    @"\s+"),

            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionForwards,    @"FD"),
            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionBackwards,    @"BK"),
            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionLeft,    @"LT"),
            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionRight,    @"RT"),

            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionPenUp,    @"PU"),
            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.FunctionPenDown,    @"PD"),

            new LexerRule<LogoToken>(LogoToken.Number,    @"\d+"),

Here's an example LOGO program that it parses:

...and here's the output from lexing that example program:

[LexerToken: Type=FunctionForwards, Value=FD]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=100]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionRight, Value=RT]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=90]
[Lexer] Next line
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionForwards, Value=FD]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=50]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionPenUp, Value=PU]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionRight, Value=RT]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=180]
[Lexer] Next line
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionBackwards, Value=BK]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=40]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionLeft, Value=LT]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=45]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=FunctionForwards, Value=FD]
[LexerToken: Type=Whitespace, Value= ]
[LexerToken: Type=Number, Value=250]
[Lexer] Next line
[Lexer] Next line

Very cool! This could easily be extended to support more of the LOGO syntax. As an exercise, can you extend it to support the REPEAT statement? At some point in the future, I might go even further and build a bottom-up left-to-right shift-reduce parser, and combine it with this lexer and some BNF to create a parse tree.

Enjoyed this post? Don't quite understand something? Think you could do better? Post a comment below!

GlidingSquirrel is now on NuGet with automatic API documentation!

(This post is a bit late as I'm rather under the weather.)

A while ago, I posted about a HTTP/1.0 server library I'd written in C♯ for a challenge. One thing led to another, and I've now ended up adding support for HTTP/1.1, WebSockets, and more....

While these enhancements have been driven mainly by a certain project of mine that keeps stealing all of my attention, they've been fun to add - and now that I've (finally!) worked out how to package it as a NuGet package, it's available on NuGet for everyone to use, under the Mozilla Public License 2.0!

Caution should be advised though, as I've not thoroughly tested it yet to weed out the slew of bugs and vulnerabilities I'm sure are hiding in there somewhere - it's designed mainly to sit behind a reverse-proxy such as Nginx (not that's it's any excuse, I know!) - and also I don't have a good set of test cases I can check it against (I thought for sure there would be at least one test suite out there for HTTP servers, considering the age of the protocol, but apparently not!).

With that out of the way, specifying dependencies didn't turn out to be that hard, actually. Here's the extra bit I added to the .nuspec file to specify the GlidingSquirrel's dependencies:

    <dependency id="MimeSharp" version="1.0.0" />
    <dependency id="System.ValueTuple" version="4.4.0" />

The above goes inside the <metadata> element. If you're curious about what this strange .nuspec file is and it's format, I've blogged about it a while back when I figured out how to package my TeleConsole Client - in which I explain my findings and how you can do it yourself too!

I've still not figured out the strange $version$ and $description$ things that are supposed to reference the appropriate values in the .csproj file (if you know how those work, please leave a comment below, as I'd love to know!) - as it keeps telling me that <description> cannot be empty.....

In addition to packaging it and putting it up on NuGet, I've also taken a look at automatic documentation generation. For a while I've been painstakingly documenting the entire project with intellisense comments for especially this purpose - which I'm glad I started early, as it's been a real pain and taken a rather decent chunk of time to do.

Anyway, with the last of the intellisense comments finished today, I set about generating automatic documentation - which turned out to be a surprisingly difficult thing to achieve.

  • Sandcastle, Microsoft's offering has been helpfully discontinued.
  • Sandcastle Help File Builder, the community open-source fork of Sandcastle, appears to be Windows-only (I use Linux myself).
  • DocFX, Microsoft's new offering, appears to be more of a static site generator that uses your code and a bunch of other things as input, rather than the simple HTML API documentation generator I was after.
  • I found Docxygen to produce an acceptable result out-of-the-box, I discovered that configuring it was not a trivial task - the initial configuration file the init action created was over 100 KiB!

I found a few other options too, but they were either Windows-only, or commercial offerings that I can't justify using for an open-source project.

When I was about to give up the search for the day, I stumbled across this page on generating documentation by the mono project, who just happen to be the ones behind mono, the cross-platform .NET runtime that runs on Linux, macOS, and, of course, Windows. They're also the ones who have built mcs, the C♯ compiler that compliments the mono runtime.

Apparently, they've also built a documentation generation that has the ability to export to HTML. While it's certainly nothing fancy, it does look like you've all the power you need at your fingertips to customise the look and feel by tweaking the XSLT stylesheet it renders with, should you need it.

After a bit of research, I found this pair of commands to build the documentation for me quite nicely:

mdoc update -o docs_xml/ -i GlidingSquirrel.xml GlidingSquirrel.dll
mdoc export-html --out docs/ docs_xml

The first command builds the multi-page XML tree from the XML documentation generated during the build process (make sure the "Generate xml documentation" option is ticked in the project build options!), and the second one transforms that into HTML that you can view in your browser.

With the commands figured out, I set about including it in my build process. Here's what I came up with:

<Target Name="AfterBuild">
    <Message Importance="high" Text="----------[ Building documentation ]----------" />

    <Exec Command="mdoc update -o docs_xml/ -i GlidingSquirrel.xml GlidingSquirrel.dll" WorkingDirectory="$(TargetDir)" IgnoreExitCode="true" />
    <Exec Command="mdoc export-html --out $(SolutionDir)/docs docs_xml" WorkingDirectory="$(TargetDir)" IgnoreExitCode="true" />

This outputs the documentation to the docs/ folder in the root of the solution. If you're a bit confused as to how to utilise this in your own project, then perhaps the Untangling MSBuild post I wrote to figure out how MSBuild works can help! You can view the GlidingSquirrel's automatically-generated documentation here. It's nothing fancy (yet), but it certainly does the job. I'll have to look into prettifying it later!

Untangling MSBuild: MSBuild for normal people

I don't know about you, but I find the documentation on MSBuild is be rather confusing. Even their definition of what MSBuild is is a bit misleading:

MSBuild is the build system for Visual Studio.

Whilst having to pull apart the .csproj file of a project of mine and put it back together again to get it to do what I wanted, I spent a considerable amount of time reading Microsoft's (bad) documentation and various web tutorials on what MSBuild is and what it does. I'm bound to forget what I've learnt, so I'm detailing it here both to save myself the bother of looking everything up again and to make sense of everything I've read and experimented with myself.

Before continuing, you might find my previous post, Understanding your compiler: C# an interesting read if you aren't already aware of some of the basics of Visual Studio solutions, project files, msbuild, and the C♯ compiler.

Let's start with a real definition. MSBuild is Microsoft's build framework that ties into Visual Studio, Mono, and basically anything in the .NET world. It has an XML-based syntax that allows one to describe what MSBuild has to do to build a project - optionally depending on other projects elsewhere in the file system. It's most commonly used to build C♯ projects - but it can be used to build other things, too.

The structure of your typical Visual Studio solution might look a bit like this:

The basic structure of a Visual Studio solution. Explained below.

As you can see, the .sln file references one or more .csproj files, each of which may reference other .csproj files - not all of which have to be tied to the same .sln file, although they usually are (this can be handy if you're using Git Submodules). The .sln file will also specify a default project to build, too.

The file extension .csproj isn't the only one recognised by MSBuild, either - others such as .pssproj (PowerShell project), .vcxproj (Visual C++ Project), .targets (Shared tasks + targets - we'll get to these later), and others - though the generic extension is simply .proj.

So far, I've observed that MSBuild is pretty intelligent about automatically detecting project / solution files in it's working directory - you can call it with msbuild in a directory and most of the time it'll find and build the right project - even if it finds a .sln file that it has to parse first.

Let's get to the real meat of the subject: targets. Consider the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="" DefaultTargets="Build" ToolsVersion="4.0">
    <Import Project="$(MSBuildBinPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />

    <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
        <Message Importance="high" Text="Before build executing" />

I've simplified it a bit to make it a bit clearer, but in essence the above imports the predefined C♯ set of targets, which includes (amongst others) BeforeBuild, Build itself, and After Build - the former of which is overridden by the local MSBuild project file. Sound complicated? It is a bit!

MSBuild uses a system of targets. When you ask it to do something, you're actually asking it to reach a particular target. By default, this is the Build target. Targets can have dependencies, too - in the case of the above, the Build target depends on the (blank) BeforeBuild target in the default C♯ target set, which is then overridden by the MSBuild project file above.

The second key component of MSBuild project files are tasks. I've used one in the example above - the Message task which, obviously enough, outputs a message to the build output. There are lots of other types of task, too:

  • Reference - reference another assembly or core namespace
  • Compile - specify a C♯ file to compile
  • EmbeddedResource - specify a file to include as an embedded resource
  • MakeDir - create a directory
  • MSBuild - recursively build another MSBuild project
  • Exec - Execute a shell command (on Windows this is with cmd.exe)
  • Copy - Copy file(s) and/or director(y/ies) from one place to another

This is just a small sample of what's available - check out the MSBuild task reference for a full list and more information about how each is used. It's worth noting that MSBuild targets can include multiple tasks one after another - and they'll all be executed in sequence.

Unfortunately, if you try to specify a wildcard in an EmbeddedResource directive, both Visual Studio and Monodevelop 'helpfully' try to auto-expand these wildcards to reference the actual files themselves. To avoid this, a clever hack can be instituted that uses the CreateItem task:

<CreateItem Include="$(ProjectDir)/obj/client_dist/**">
    <Output ItemName="EmbeddedResource" TaskParameter="Include" />

The above loops above all the files that are in $(ProjectDir)/obj/client_dist, and dynamically creates an EmbeddedResource directive for each - thereby preventing annoying auto-expansion.

The $(ProjectDir) bit is a variable - the final key component of MSBuild project files. There are a number of built-in variables for different things, but you can also define your own.

  • $(ProjectDir) - The current project's root directory
  • $(SolutionDir) - The root directory of the current solution. Undefined if a project is being built directly.
  • $(TargetDir) - The output directory that the result of the build will be written to.
  • $(Configuration) - The selected configuration to build. Most commonly Debug or Release.

As with the tasks, there's a full list available that you can check out for more information.

That's the basics of how MSBuild works, as far as I'm aware at the moment. If I discover anything else of note, I'll post again in the future about what I've learnt. If this has helped, please comment below! If you're still confused, let me know in the comments too, and I'll try my best to help you out :-)

Want a tutorial on Git Submodules? Let me know by posting a comment below!

Finding the distance to a (finite) line from a point in Javascript

A screenshot of the library I've written. Explanation below.

For a project of mine (which I might post about once it's more stable), I'm going to need a way to find the distance to a point from the mouse cursor to implement an eraser. I've attempted this problem before - but it didn't exactly go to plan. To that end, I decided to implement the algorithm on its own to start with - so that I could debug it properly without all the (numerous) moving parts of the project I'm writing it for getting in the way.

As you may have guessed since you're reading this post, it actually went rather well! Using the C++ implementation on this page as a reference, it didn't take more than an hour or two to get a reasonable implementation working - and it didn't take a huge amount of time to tidy it up into an npm package for everyone to use!

My implementation uses ES6 Modules - so you may need to enable them in about:config or chrome://flags if you haven't already (don't believe the pages online that say you need Firefox / Chrome nightly - it's available in stable, just disabled by default) before taking a look at the demo, which you can find here:

Line Distance Calculator

(Click and drag to draw a line - your distance from it is shown in the top left)

The code behind it is actually quite simple - just rather full of nasty maths that will give you a headache if you try and understand it all at once (I broke it down, which helped). The library exposes multiple methods to detect a point's distance from different kinds of line - one for multi-segmented lines (which I needed in the first place), one for a single (finite) line (which the multi-segmented line employs), and one for a single infinite line - which I implemented first, using this Wikipedia article - before finding that it was buggy because it was for an infinite line (even though the article's name is apparently correct)!

I've written up a usage guide if you're interested in playing around with it yourself.

I've also got another library that I've released recently (also for Nibriboard) that simplifies multi-segmented lines instead of finding the distance to them, which I may post about about soon too!

Update: Looks like I forgot that I've already posted about the other library! You can read about it here: Line Simplification: Visvalingam's Algorithm

Got a question? Wondering why I've gone to the trouble of implementing such an algorithm? Comment below - I'd love to hear your thoughts!

TeleConsole Client is available on NuGet!

Some cool-looking white circuits on a blue background from the NuGet website. (Above: Some cool-looking circuits that feature on the NuGet website)

Hey! After a large amount of research, I've finally figured out how to create a simple NuGet package. Since I ended up using TeleConsole in a recent ACW and it doesn't have any dependencies (making packaging easier!), I decided to use it to test the system.

I think it's turned out rather well actually - you can find it on NuGet here.

Since it's been such a complicated process, rather than talking about TeleConsole itself, I'd like to give a sort-of tutorial on how I did it instead (if you'd like to read more about TeleConsole, I posted about it when I first released it here).

To start with, you'll need to install NuGet. Once done, the next step is to create a .nuspec file for your project. It goes in the same directory as the .csproj file for the project you want to publish on NuGet. I haven't yet figured out how to reference another project in the same solution and have it work with NuGet, but I should imagine it's mostly automatic. Here's the .nuspec file for TeleConsole:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <releaseNotes>Initial nuget release.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2017</copyright>
    <tags>Debugging Networking Console Remote</tags>

As you can see, it's actually a fairly simple format - based on XML of course, since C♯ seems to love it for some reason. The bits in $ signs are special - they are references to the corresponding values in the .csproj file. You can do it for <version> too - but I was experiencing issues with it not picking this up correctly, so I'm specifying it manually. More information about this can be found on the Microsoft website - links are available at the bottom of this post.

With that done, the next step is to package it into a `.nupkg file 0 which is basically just a renamed .zip file with a specific structure. The nuget command-line application has the ability to do this for us - but doesn't work on Linux without an extra argument (thanks to @ArtOfSettling on GitHub for discovering this!):

nuget pack -MsbuildPath /usr/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/

...Windows users don't need to include the -MsbuildPath /usr/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/ bit. This command will output a .nupkg file, which you can then upload to here, once you're signed in.

Sources and Further Reading

Getting an updated version of MonoDevelop on Ubuntu

The old and new versions of MonoDevelop overlaid on top of one another.

Thanks to the AUR (The Arch User Repository), an updated version of MonoDevelop is never very far away on Manjaro, Artix, Arch Linux and friends. Unfortunately, such delights can't be found so easily in the Ubuntu and Debian ecosystem. On a check inspection of the official repositories, the latest version available is 5.10, while the AUR is offering 7.1.2!

In addition, the newer versions offered via this 'flatpak' thing are sandboxed, so you can't combined multiple technologies like Node.JS and the amazing npm in your C♯ applications with it.

Thankfully, all is not lost. A clever GitHub user by the name of cra0zy has put together a script that will install the latest version of MonoDevelop for us - without all the hassle of sandboxes or manually compiling from source. Here's a link to this installer:


This post is mainly for my own reference, but I'd love to know if it helped you out too. If it did, leave a comment below!

GalleryShare - Share a folder on your computer with a friend

The front page of GalleryShare

Just yesterday, I was browsing my repositories on both my personal git server ( and GitHub, and I stumbled across a program I wrote a while ago and then completely forgot about. It lets you share a directory of files and pictures via http. The picture above is from the wallpapers folder on my laptop here!

On further inspection, I discovered that it didn't require too much work to tidy it up for a release, so I spent an hour or two tidying up a few things, and here is version 0.1! My, it's been far too long since I've blogged about a release of something on here....

If you want to share things yourself, you can download the latest version over here.

In the future, I might add an optional graphical interface to make it even easier for people to use :D

It's actually quite simple. It's powered by the System.Net.HttpServer class (so Windows users will either need to install mono or give it administrative privileges, which is a real shame) since I originally wrote it before I put the GlidingSquirrel together, though it does have it's own routing system of my own devising.

The pages it serves themselves are actually plain XML files, which are rendered with XSLT by the user's browser. This keeps the content that GalleryShare has to dynamically generate simple, and has the added benefit that it can be generated with C&csharp;'s System.Xml.XmlWriter class. It's practically a browser-side templating system, which also has the added benefit of providing an XML-based API for others to consume.

Thumbnails are generated with C♯'s inbuilt System.Drawing image handling functions - I did initially want to use Magick.NET (C♯ bindings for the awesome ImageMagick library) has the System.Drawing classes appear to be a bit funny about the images they'll accept, but Linux support doesn't seem to have landed just yet.

Are you interested in a more in-depth look at how GalleryShare renders thumbnails, or outputs XML? Perhaps the XSLT has caught your eye. Let me know in the comments below!

Further Reading

/r/dailyprogrammer hard challenge #322: Static HTTP 1.0 server

Recently I happened to stumble across the dailyprogrammer subreddit's latest challenge. It was for a static HTTP 1.0 server, and while I built something similar for my networking ACW, I thought I'd give this one a go to create an extendable http server that I can use in other projects. If you want to follow along, you can find the challenge here!

My language of choice, as you might have guessed, was C♯ (I know that C♯ has a HttpServer class inbuilt already, but to listen on on Windows it requires administrative privileges).

It ended up going rather well, actually. In a little less than 24 hours after reading the post, I had myself a working solution, and I thought I'd share here how I built it. Let's start with a class diagram:

A class diagram for the gliding squirrel. (Above: A class diagram for the GlidingSquirrel. Is this diagram better than the last one I drew?)

I'm only showing properties on here, as I'll be showing you the methods attached to each class later. It's a pretty simple design, actually - HttpServer deals with all the core HTTP and networking logic, FileHttpServer handles the file system calls (and can be swapped out for your own class), and HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpMethod, HttpResponseCode all store the data parsed out from the raw request coming in, and the data we're about to send back out again.

With a general idea as to how it's put together, lets dive into how it actually works. HttpServer would probably be a good place to start:

public abstract class HttpServer
    public static readonly string Version = "0.1-alpha";

    public readonly IPAddress BindAddress;
    public readonly int Port;

    public string BindEndpoint { /* ... */ }

    protected TcpListener server;

    private Mime mimeLookup = new Mime();
    public Dictionary<string, string> MimeTypeOverrides = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
        [".html"] = "text/html"

    public HttpServer(IPAddress inBindAddress, int inPort)
    { /* ... */ }
    public HttpServer(int inPort) : this(IPAddress.IPv6Any, inPort)

    public async Task Start() { /* ... */ }

    public string LookupMimeType(string filePath) { /* ... */ }

    protected async void HandleClientThreadRoot(object transferredClient) { /* ... */ }

    public async Task HandleClient(TcpClient client) { /* ... */ }

    protected abstract Task setup();

    public abstract Task HandleRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response);

(Full version)

It's heavily abbreviated because there's actually quite a bit of code to get through here, but you get the general idea. The start method is the main loop that accepts the TcpClients, and calls HandleClientThreadRoot for each client it accepts. I decided to use the inbuilt ThreadPool class to do the threading for me here:

TcpClient nextClient = await server.AcceptTcpClientAsync();
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(HandleClientThreadRoot), nextClient);

C♯ handles all the thread spawning and killing for me internally this way, which is rather nice. Next, HandleClientThreadRoot sets up a net to catch any errors that are thrown by the next stage (as we're now in a new thread, which can make debugging a nightmare otherwise), and then calls the main HandleClient:

    await HandleClient(client);
catch(Exception error)

No matter what happens, the client's connection will always get closed. HandleClient is where the magic start to happen. It attaches a StreamReader and a StreamWriter to the client:

StreamReader source = new StreamReader(client.GetStream());
StreamWriter destination = new StreamWriter(client.GetStream()) { AutoFlush = true };

...and calls a static method on HttpRequest to read in and decode the request:

HttpRequest request = await HttpRequest.FromStream(source);
request.ClientAddress = client.Client.RemoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint;

More on that later. With the request decoded, HandleClient hands off the request to the abstract method HandleRequest - but not before setting up a secondary safety net first:

    await HandleRequest(request, response);
catch(Exception error)
    response.ResponseCode = new HttpResponseCode(503, "Server Error Occurred");
    await response.SetBody(
        $"An error ocurred whilst serving your request to '{request.Url}'. Details:\n\n" +

This secondary safety net means that we can send a meaningful error message back to the requesting client in the case that the abstract request handler throws an exception for some reason. In the future, I'll probably make this customisable - after all, you don't always want to let the client know exactly what crashed inside the server's internals!

The FileHttpServer class that handles the file system logic is quite simple, actually. The magic is in it's implementation of the abstract HandleRequest method that the HttpServer itself exposes:

public override async Task HandleRequest(HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response)
        response.ResponseCode = HttpResponseCode.BadRequest;
        await response.SetBody("Error the requested path contains dangerous characters.");

    string filePath = getFilePathFromRequestUrl(request.Url);
        response.ResponseCode = HttpResponseCode.NotFound;
        await response.SetBody($"Error: The file path '{request.Url}' could not be found.\n");

    FileInfo requestFileStat = null;
    try {
        requestFileStat = new FileInfo(filePath);
    catch(UnauthorizedAccessException error) {
        response.ResponseCode = HttpResponseCode.Forbidden;
        await response.SetBody(
            "Unfortunately, the server was unable to access the file requested.\n" + 
            "Details:\n\n" + 
            error.ToString() + 

    response.Headers.Add("content-type", LookupMimeType(filePath));
    response.Headers.Add("content-length", requestFileStat.Length.ToString());

    if(request.Method == HttpMethod.GET)
        response.Body = new StreamReader(filePath);

With all the helper methods and properties on HttpResponse, it's much shorter than it would otherwise be! Let's go through it step by step.


This first step is a quick check for anything obvious that could be used against the server to break out of the web root. There are probably other dangerous things you can do(or try to do, anyway!) to a web server to attempt to trick it into returning arbitrary files, but I can't think of any of the top of my head that aren't covered further down. If you can, let me know in the comments!

string filePath = getFilePathFromRequestUrl(request.Url);

Next, we translate the raw path received in the request into a path to a file on disk. Let's take a look inside that method:

protected string getFilePathFromRequestUrl(string requestUrl)
    return $"{WebRoot}{requestUrl}";

It's rather simplistic, I know. I can't help but feel that there's something I missed here.... Let me know if you can think of anything. (If you're interested about the dollar syntax there - it's called an interpolated string, and is new in C♯ 6! Fancy name, I know. Check it out!)

    response.ResponseCode = HttpResponseCode.NotFound;
    await response.SetBody($"Error: The file path '{request.Url}' could not be found.\n");

Another obvious check. Can't have the server crashing every time it runs into a 404! A somewhat interesting note here: File.Exists only checks to see if there's a file that exists under the specified path. To check for the existence of a directory, you have to use Directory.Exists - which would make directory listing rather easy to implement. I might actually try that later - with an option to turn it off, of course.

FileInfo requestFileStat = null;
try {
    requestFileStat = new FileInfo(filePath);
catch(UnauthorizedAccessException error) {
    response.ResponseCode = HttpResponseCode.Forbidden;
    await response.SetBody(
        "Unfortunately, the server was unable to access the file requested.\n" + 
        "Details:\n\n" + 
        error.ToString() + 

Ok, on to something that might be a bit more unfamiliar. The FileInfo class can be used to get, unsurprisingly, information about a file. You can get all sorts of statistics about a file or directory with it, such as the last modified time, whether it's read-only from the perspective of the current user, etc. We're only interested in the size of the file though for the next few lines:

response.Headers.Add("content-type", LookupMimeType(filePath));
response.Headers.Add("content-length", requestFileStat.Length.ToString());

These headers are important, as you might expect. Browsers to tend to like to know the type of content they are receiving - and especially it's size.

if(request.Method == HttpMethod.GET)
    response.Body = new StreamReader(filePath);

Lastly, we send the file's contents back to the user in the response - but only if it's a GET request. This rather neatly takes care of HEAD requests - but might cause issues elsewhere. I'll probably end up changing it if it does become an issue.

Anyway, now that we've covered everything right up to sending the response back to the client, let's end our tour with a look at the request parsing system. It's a bit backwards, but it does seem to work in an odd sort of way! It all starts in HttpRequest.FromStream.

public static async Task<HttpRequest> FromStream(StreamReader source)
    HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();

    // Parse the first line
    string firstLine = await source.ReadLineAsync();
    var firstLineData = ParseFirstLine(firstLine);

    request.HttpVersion = firstLineData.httpVersion;
    request.Method = firstLineData.requestMethod;
    request.Url = firstLineData.requestPath;

    // Extract the headers
    List<string> rawHeaders = new List<string>();
    string nextLine;
    while((nextLine = source.ReadLine()).Length > 0)

    request.Headers = ParseHeaders(rawHeaders);

    // Store the source stream as the request body now that we've extracts the headers
    request.Body = source;

    return request;

It looks deceptively simple at first glance. To start with, I read in the first line, extract everything useful from it, and attach them to a new request object. Then, I read in all the headers I can find, parse those too, and attach them to the request object we're building.

Finally, I attach the StreamReader to the request itself, as it's now pointing at the body of the request from the user. I haven't actually tested this, as I don't actually use it anywhere just yet, but it's a nice reminder just in case I do end up needing it :-)

Now, let's take a look at the cream on the cake - the method that parses the first line of the incoming request. I'm quite pleased with this actually, as it's my first time using a brand new feature of C♯:

public static (float httpVersion, HttpMethod requestMethod, string requestPath) ParseFirstLine(string firstLine)
    List<string> lineParts = new List<string>(firstLine.Split(' '));

    float httpVersion = float.Parse(lineParts.Last().Split('/')[1]);
    HttpMethod httpMethod = MethodFromString(lineParts.First());

    lineParts.RemoveAt(0); lineParts.RemoveAt(lineParts.Count - 1);
    string requestUrl = lineParts.Aggregate((string one, string two) => $"{one} {two}");

    return (

Monodevelop, my C♯ IDE, appears to go absolutely nuts over this with red squiggly lines everywhere, but it still compiles just fine :D

As I was writing this, a thought popped into my head that a tuple would be perfect here. After reading somewhere a month or two ago about a new tuple syntax that's coming to C♯ I thought I'd get awesomely distracted and take a look before continuing, and what I found was really cool. In C♯ 7 (the latest and quite possibly greatest version of C♯ to come yet!), there's a new feature called value tuples, which let's you dynamically declare tuples like I have above. They're already fully supported by the C♯ compiler, so you can use them today! Just try to ignore your editor if it gets as confused as mine did... :P

If you're interested in learning more about them, I'll leave a few links at the bottom of this post. Anyway, back to the GlidingSquirrel! Other than the new value tuples in the above, there's not much going on, actually. A few linq calls take care of the heavy lifting quite nicely.

And finally, here's my header parsing method.

public static Dictionary<string, string> ParseHeaders(List<string> rawHeaders)
    Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    foreach(string header in rawHeaders)
        string[] parts = header.Split(':');
        KeyValuePair<string, string> nextHeader = new KeyValuePair<string, string>(
            result[nextHeader.Key] = $"{result[nextHeader.Key]},{nextHeader.Value}";
            result[nextHeader.Key] = nextHeader.Value;

    return result;

While I have attempted to build in support for multiple definitions of the same header according to the spec, I haven't actually encountered a time when it's actually been needed. Again, this is one of those things I've built in now for later - as I do intend on updating this and adding more features later - and perhaps even work it into another secret project I might post about soon.

Lastly, I'll leave you with a link to the repository I'm storing the code for the GlidingSquirrel, and a few links for your enjoyment:


Update 2018-05-01: Fixed a few links.

Sources and Further Reading

Art by Mythdael